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Build xcresulttool code #30

Build xcresulttool code

Build xcresulttool code #30

GitHub Actions / UhooiPicBook test report (xcode15) succeeded Oct 29, 2024 in 0s

Xcode test results

Testing project UhooiPicBook with scheme UhooiPicBook


TotalSuccess PassedFailure FailedSkipped SkippedExpected Failure Expected Failure⏱️ Time

Test Summary


  • Device: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 15.0 (19A339)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 15.0, 15.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class BundleStringTests33000
test-class UserDefaultsClientTests11000
test-class MonsterListInteractorTests33000
test-class MonsterListPresenterTests99000
test-class MonsterDetailPresenterTests55000

Failure Failures

All tests passed 🎉

Code Coverage

Coverage Covered Executable 41.15 % 442 1074
  ActivityRouter.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  MonsterListViewController.swift 74.60 % 94 126
  UIView+Material.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  SpotlightRepository.swift 9.30 % 4 43
  UIColor+Hex.swift 0.00 % 0 12
  MonsterDetailViewController.swift 0.00 % 0 57
  UserDefaultsClient.swift 91.67 % 22 24
  MonstersRepository.swift 86.67 % 52 60
  UIImage+GIF.swift 0.00 % 0 102
  MonsterListInteractor.swift 100.00 % 14 14
  ImagePopupRouter.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  MonsterDetailInteractor.swift 0.00 % 0 2
  ImagePopupViewController.swift 0.00 % 0 14
  AppDelegate.swift 53.57 % 30 56
  UINavigationBar+Color.swift 100.00 % 6 6
  InAppWebBrowserViewController.swift 0.00 % 0 77
  MonsterListRouter.swift 29.51 % 18 61
  SceneDelegate.swift 40.63 % 26 64
  MonsterDetailPresenter.swift 100.00 % 20 20
  Bundle+String.swift 57.14 % 12 21
  MonsterListPresenter.swift 91.18 % 62 68
  MonsterDetailRouter.swift 0.00 % 0 25
  UIImage+Resize.swift 0.00 % 0 14
  InAppWebBrowserRouter.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  MonsterIntentObject+Convert.swift 0.00 % 0 28
  UICollectionView+Animation.swift 100.00 % 49 49
  MonsterCollectionViewCell.swift 35.29 % 6 17
  UIViewController+Alert.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  BaseView.swift 100.00 % 3 3
  ImageCacheManager.swift 39.34 % 24 61
Total 41.15 % 442 1074


Test Details


BundleStringTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_bundle_build()
Successtest-method test_bundle_version()
Successtest-method test_bundle_displayName()

UserDefaultsClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s
Successtest-method test_monster()

  • Unsaved
  • Add
  • Update
  • Remove

MonsterListInteractorTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_fetchMonsters_failure()
Successtest-method test_saveForSpotlight()
Successtest-method test_fetchMonsters_success()

MonsterListPresenterTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
9 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_viewDidLoad_success_zero()
Successtest-method test_didTapLicenses()
Successtest-method test_didSelectMonster()
Successtest-method test_didTapContactUs()
Successtest-method test_didTapAboutThisApp()
Successtest-method test_viewDidLoad_failure()
Successtest-method test_viewDidLoad_newLine()
Successtest-method test_didTapPrivacyPolicy()
Successtest-method test_viewDidLoad_success_three()

MonsterDetailPresenterTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
5 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_didTapDancingImageView_notNil()
Successtest-method test_didTapDancingImageView_nil()
Successtest-method test_viewDidLoad()
Successtest-method test_didTapShareButton_all_notNil()
Successtest-method test_didTapShareButton_one_nil()