The 5G core VNFs included as tar.gz files are modified versions of the OpenAirInterface 5G core VNFs
OAI 5G core VNFs require an extended TIMEOUT period so as not to crash while working with P-AKA. Thus, the OAI 5G core VNF images with increased API TIMEOUT are marked with a (+++) below.
Isolating the critical micro-services of 5G core components to protect them against co-residency attacks.
- ✔️ - f1
- ✔️ - f2345
- ✔️ - generate_autn
For using the f1-f2345-gautn modules seperately -- tolgaomeratalay/udm:modfall_autn_v2
- ✔️ - derive_kausf
For using the f1-f2345-gautn-kausf modules seperately -- tolgaomeratalay/udm:f1_f2345_gautn_kausfv3 (+++)
- ✔️ - All-in-one -- {f1 + f23345 + generate_autn}
For using the all-in-one {f1+f2345+gautn} module tolgaomeratalay/udm:fall_gautn_v1
- ✔️ - generate_Hxres
- ✔️ - derive_kseaf
For using only the derive_kseaf -- tolgaomeratalay/ausf:kseafv1
For using derive_kseaf and genHxres seperately -- tolgaomeratalay/ausf:kseaf_ghxresv1
- ✔️ - All-in-one -- {generateHxres + derive_kseaf}
For using derive_kseaf and genHxres all-in-one -- tolgaomeratalay/ausf:mod_allv3 (+++)
- ✔️ - derive_kamf
For using only the derive_kamf -- tolgaomeratalay/amf:kamfv3 (+++) - v1.2.1
For using only the derive_kamf -- tolgaomeratalay/amf:kamfv4 (+++) - v1.5.0