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Source code and experimental results corresponding to the CCS '23 paper: Compact Frequency Estimators in Adversarial Environments


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Count-Keeper: An Adversarially Robust Compact Frequency Estimator

This repository contains implementation code and experimental artifacts related to the Count-Keeper data structure - an adversarially robust compact frequency estimator.

The accompanying full paper text is available in /paper/ (updated 2023-09-25). It is also available on ePrint.

The conference proceedings version of the paper is available at the ACM Digital Library. The ACM Reference format for our paper is below.

Sam A. Markelon, Mia Filić, and Thomas Shrimpton. 2023. 
Compact Frequency Estimators in Adversarial Environments. 
In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’23), November 26–30, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. 
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages.

Reference Implementation

A reference implementation of Count-Keeper (CK) written in C in available in /ref. It relies on Sodium for keyed Blake2b hashing.

There is a test.c file that explores how to use this reference implementation. A Makefile is included to build it. It requires updating pointers to the location of your libsodium install.

Adversarial CFE Experiment Artifacts

This directory contains artifacts used to produce the experimental results in the paper Compact Frequency Estimators in Adversarial Environments. All subdirectories in the experiments directory correspond to an experiment in a specific section or subsection in the paper. Each subdirectory is self-contained, in that you can run the particular experiment as is from within the directory. The steps for running experiments and reproducing results are outlined below. The data produced from these experiments that appear as results in the paper are presented in summary form as .csv files or as inline comments in the source code in each directory.

The only requirement to run these experiments is to be able to run Python scripts from a terminal. We used Python 3.9.7, but in theory any Python version 3.6+ should suffice. The terminal commands we provide are in a *nix like syntax, but should also work in PowerShell if tested on Windows (with perhaps some slight syntactic differences). We provide an estimate of the compute time for each experiment. We ran these experiments on an Apple M1 machine with 16GB of RAM. Compute times may vary slightly depending on hardware, but specialized or high performance computing machinery is not required.

To install, simply clone the GitHub repository and install the necessary dependencies using pip. This should take less than 5 minutes of human time (depending on internet speed.)

git clone

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib
cd cfe-in-adv-envs

As a basic test one can run the following and expect to see the following output. This takes about 10 seconds of compute time.

cd cfes/

Expected output:

CK test qry is (1, 'cntUBx = cntLBx')
CMS test qry is 1
HK test qry is 1

In addition, an image scatter plot should pop up on one's display to ensure the numpy and matplotlib are installed and functioning correctly. One can simply close the window after it appears.

CFE Implementations

We present the source code of the Python 3 implementations of Count-Keeper (CK), Count-min Sketch (CMS), and HeavyKeeper (HK) in /cfes. The implementations are functionally one to one with their respective presentations in the paper (Figure 5, Figure 2, and Figure 3). The built-in Python __init__ function acts as REP and all structures have a method called qry(x) and up(x) equivalent to their functional definitions in the paper. We also have a common Hasher class that is used across all structures for computing row position hash functions and to produce fingerprints of elements for CK and HK. The Hasher classes uses the BLAKE2b cryptographic hash function as described in Section 6.4 of our paper.

These implementations (or a slight modification of them to allow for added experimental behaviors) are used in every experiment. Note, that these implementations are not tuned for performance, but rather ease of collecting data concerning correctness and behavior under adversarial conditions of these structures.


In /streams we present each stream described in Section 6.4 Data Streams as {stream_name}/{stream_name}_stream.txt. Each stream's subdirectory {stream_name} also contains a {stream_name}_stream_size.txt file and a {stream_name}_stream_info.csv file. The {stream_name}_stream_size.txt file contains the domain size and total stream length of each stream. The {stream_name}_stream_info.csv file is a two-column .csv file containing the item ID and its corresponding frequency ordered from least frequent to most frequent. These file was produced by running / in the /streams directory. The domain size and total stream length is output to stdout when this script is run. This will take about 30 seconds of compute time.

The kosorak stream and retail stream subdirectory contain a {stream_name}_unprocessed.txt file. These are the original anonymized data collections from the frequent item mining dataset repository. To get the {stream_name}_stream.txt that we use in our experiments we simply flatten this raw data such that there is one entry per line and randomize the order. This can be reproduced by running the script in the /streams directory. It will output a test_kosorak_stream.txt and a test_retail_stream.txt in their respective subdirectories. We append test to the output to avoid overwriting the original stream files. This will take about 30 seconds of compute time.

The novel stream was created by processing the individual words in sequential order of the Project Gutenburg eBook plaintext edition of 1851 English-language novel Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville. We map words to integers corresponding to their frequency rank - this mapping and more stream info can be seen in novel_stream_verbose.csv file in the novel subdirectory.

We also provide code to reproduce the plots in Figure 6 in /streams/stream_plots. The code produces plots that map the top 35% probability mass of each stream using the {stream_name}_stream_info.csv files. To run requires the numpy package and the matplotlib.

To install these packages (if not already done in the setup instructions) and run the script, the following can be executed in the \stream_plots subdirectory.

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib

This takes about 30 seconds of compute time. The plots that appear in Figure 6 in Section 6.4 will be output in the newly created stream_plots/plots subdirectory. The probability mass that is plotted can be changed by altering the percents variable on line 32 of the file.

Honest Setting Performance Experiments

The code for honest setting performance experiments that appear in Table 1 in Section 6.4 of the paper are in experiments/test-cfes. The data file for the results that appear in the paper are included in /data/papaer_results.csv. This experiment is randomized on each trial on the particular choice of hash functions used for each structure and the order in which the stream is processed. Therefore, the exact results that appear in the paper will not be reproduced, but they will be close on an average over all the trials.

We ran 1000 trials for each structure, stream, and parameter triplet for the results that appear in the paper. Due to the high overhead of memory accesses to retrieve the stream items, update the structures, and write out the data this took about 2 days of compute on a high performance machine. Therefore, for the artifacts review we change this 50 to trials for each triplet. This takes about 8 hours of compute on a laptop. This change will potentially introduce more variability in the results.

To run the experiments and summarize the results you can run the following from the /experiments directory.

cd test-cfes/
cd data/

First a directory for each {structure}_{parameter}_{stream} triplet is created in the \data subdirectory. A per trial data {trial_num}.csv file is created in each of these subdirectories as a trial is completed. It logs the Item ,True Frequency, Estimated Frequency, Absolute Error,Percent Error for each item in the stream for a given structure and selection of parameters. While running Stream {stream_name}, Trial {trial_number} will be output to stdout. For the artifact review experiment setup this will go through the three streams up to trial 50 twice - as we have a standard parameter set and a constrained parameter set.

After the experiment is finished running, we go to the \data subdirectory and run the script. This outputs the analysis results to stdout and creates a summary file of our results averaged over the trials for each triplet. It is output as total_results.csv. This takes about 30 seconds of human time and 1 minute of compute time.

The headers of total_results.csv are structure,params,stream,avg heavy_match,avg jaccard_i,avg minimal_l,perecent_err which correspond to the structure, parameters of the structure, the stream, the SIS, the Jaccard Index, the MCT, and the ARE as described in Section 6.4 of our paper. Matching the reported results in Table 1 and those produced by running the experiment shows a tight agreement.

Attack Experiments

The attack comparison experiments that appear in Table Section 6.5 of that paper are in /experiments/attacks. The attacks we implement and test are one to one with those described in sections 5.2, 5.3, and 6.5 of our paper. The results that appear in the paper are given as inline comments at the end of the and / files.

To run the attack experiments and reproduce the results you can run the following from the /experiments directory.

cd attacks/

Results will be printed to stdout after each script is run. 100 trials are performed for each structure and parameter pairing listed in the table. We report the average over these 100 trials for each pairing. The attack takes about 200 minutes of compute time and the takes about 220 minutes of compute time.

The output looks like the below.

private, private: q_U=2^20, trials=100
CMS: m=2048,k=4
Avg |I|, Avg rs. ins., Avg Q, Avg |C|, Avg Err
4189.98, 18768.62, 11808.56, 3.99, 260936.17
CMS m=4096, k=8
Avg |I|, Avg rs. ins., Avg Q, Avg |C|, Avg Err
11431.88, 33566.96, 33503.45, 8.0, 126894.19

The first line shows the attack setting (either public hash or private hash and private representation), the query budget, and the number of trials per structure and parameter pairing. Then each structure parameter pairing is printed along with the following statistics Avg q_H, Avg |I|, Avg |C|, Avg Err (in the public hash case) or Avg |I|, Avg rs. ins., Avg Q, Avg |C|, Avg Err (in the private hash case). q_H corresponds to the number of offline hash computations in the public case. |I| is the size of the initial insertions to find a cover (or items that were hashed offline in the public hash case). rs. ins. are the total number of insertions to find and minimize the cover set before insertions are solely used to accumulate error in the private case. Q is the number of queries made in the private hash case. |C| is the size of the cover set the is found, and Err is the error produced according to our attack model in Figure of our paper.

Matching the reported results in Table 2 and those produced by running the experiment shows a tight agreement. Moreover, the data backs our claim that the attacks against CK generate about half the amount of error as opposed to the CMS attacks, and about q_U - q_U/2k less the amount of error as opposed to the HK attacks for an adversary with a fixed amount of resources.

CK Robustness Experiments

The experiments that showcase the CK flag raising ability that appear in the text of Section 6.6 of the paper are in /experiments/flag-ck/. The adversarial flag raising results are summarized as an inline comment at the end of the file. The non-adversarial flag raising results that appear in the paper are available in /flag-ck/data/paper_results.csv.

To run the flag raising attack experiments and reproduce the results you can run the following from the /experiments directory.

cd flag-ck/

100 trials are run the results are reported as an average over those trials. The compute time for this experiment takes about 2 minutes. Results will be printed to stdout.

The output of the below form.

Trial 0
Trial 98
9536, 2384, 8, 8192, 1, 0
Trial 99
4016, 1004, 8, 8192, 1, 0

Avg q_H, Avg |I|, Avg |C|, Avg Err, x Flags Raised, Cover Flags Raised
13727.8, 3431.95, 8.0, 8192.0, 1.0, 0.0

The summary line averages the results across the trials. Looking at the x Flags Raised = 1.0 tells us that a flag was raised on every target element, and the Cover Flags Raised = 0.0 tells us that no flags were raised on any of the cover elements (as expected). This corresponds to the claims in our paper in section 6.6 about being able to flag suspicious estimates while keeping false positives low.

To run the flag raising non-adversarial experiments and reproduce the results you can run the following from the /experiments root directory. This will take about 5 compute hours to run the experiment and about 2 minutes of compute to analyze the data.

cd flag-ck/
cd data/

A summary data file called total_results.csv in the data subdirectory will be produced with the same information as the honest setting experiments. The total flags raised over the 100 trials ran for each stream will be printed to stdout (which is the data we care about). The output is of the form below.

ck 1024x4 novel

Total Flags Raised...novel : 1
ck 1024x4 kosarak

Total Flags Raised...kosarak : 0
ck 1024x4 retail

This data shows that false positive flags are very rare per the claim in Section 6.6


Source code and experimental results corresponding to the CCS '23 paper: Compact Frequency Estimators in Adversarial Environments







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