BSD dataset for image denoising benchmarks. It is part of The Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark.
This benchmark dataset is widely used for measuring image denoising algorithms performance. The directory contains training datasets(BSD400) and testing datasets(BSD68). BSD68 includes the original .jpg files and noisy with speckle Noise of different levels (noise 15, noise 25 and noise 50).
Authors: D. Martin and C. Fowlkes and D. Tal and J. Malik
Title: A Database of Human Segmented Natural Images and its Application to Evaluating Segmentation Algorithms and Measuring Ecological Statistics
Book Title: Proc. 8th Int'l Conf. Computer Vision Year: 2001 Month: July Volume: 2 Pages: 416--423
The lymph node dataset for image denoising.The directory contains testdatasets.
Authors: Zhang J, Wang Y and Shi X.
Title: An improved graph cut segmentation method for cervical lymph nodes on sonograms and its relationship with node's shape assessment.
Book Title: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 33(8): 602-607.