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MonsterCode8000 edited this page Jan 16, 2016 · 13 revisions

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6LoWPAN on a Raspberry Pi


Use libcoap with MySQL

Compile the libcoap and follow this instruction and see here . Now you should have a workinglibcoap on your Raspberry.

Now we have to combine MySql and libcoap. There fore look here. To write data from a c-program to MySQL I used this tutorial. You find the modified MySQL-Coap-Client here.

Webserver / Interface

You have to install the following:

Maybe you have to add new repository’s which allow you to install python 3 from the repositories.

sudo apt-get install python3 mysql-server python-mysqldb python3-mysql.connector

sudo pip3 install flask flask-login flask-openid flask-mail flask-sqlalchemy sqlalchemy-migrate flask-whooshalchemy flask-wtf flask-babel guess_language flipflop coverage