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Mention new configuration key into CHANGELOG file #1

Mention new configuration key into CHANGELOG file

Mention new configuration key into CHANGELOG file #1

name: actions_on_github_servers
# trigger the workflow upon request
# trigger the workflow on push or pull request,
# but only for the main branch
- main
- main
# we use jobs in a matrix.
# the OS to be used for the test is taken from the current matrix element
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# we want to avoid to stop all the tests the first time that one of them gets an error
fail-fast: false
#here we set up the various matrix elements
#the entries in each matrix element are just variables, not keywords, with (hopefully) self-explaining names
# 1st matrix element, previous LTS Ubuntu distribution, minimum supported GNU compiler version
- os: ubuntu-20.04
site: "ubuntu-20.04-minimum-gcc"
packages_to_add: "g++-8 libgsl-dev doxygen-latex graphviz"
c_compiler_to_use: "gcc-8"
cxx_compiler_to_use: "g++-8"
# 2st matrix element, previous LTS Ubuntu distribution, default clang compiler
- os: ubuntu-20.04
site: "ubuntu-20.04-default-clang"
packages_to_add: "libgsl-dev clang"
c_compiler_to_use: "clang"
cxx_compiler_to_use: "clang++"
# 3nd matrix element, current LTS Ubuntu distribution with default gcc
- os: ubuntu-22.04
site: "ubuntu-22.04-default-gcc"
packages_to_add: "libgsl-dev doxygen-latex graphviz"
c_compiler_to_use: "gcc"
cxx_compiler_to_use: "g++"
# 4rd matrix element, current LTS Ubuntu distribution with clang 13.0
- os: ubuntu-22.04
site: "ubuntu-22.04-clang-13"
packages_to_add: "libgsl-dev clang-13 clang-format-13 clang-tidy-13"
c_compiler_to_use: "clang-13"
cxx_compiler_to_use: "clang++-13"
# 5th matrix element, recent osx with default clang
- os: macos-latest
site: "mac"
packages_to_add: "gsl"
c_compiler_to_use: "clang"
cxx_compiler_to_use: "clang++"
# this is an action provided by GitHub to checkout the repository
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# we set the name of the step, collecting all the tests here except those about formatting
- name: code_check
# we set some environment variables for the specific OS version
CC: ${{ matrix.c_compiler_to_use }}
CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx_compiler_to_use }}
OS_NAME: ${{ matrix.os }}
SITE: ${{ }}
# we run the step. We recall that in YAML the pipe symbol "|" means that the following lines, including newlines, are interpreted literally
run: |
# we set the smash root directory
export SMASH_ROOT=${PWD}
# we set the TERM environment variable (Pythia installation uses tput)
export TERM="xterm"
# we install the missing packages
if [ ${SITE} == "mac" ]; then
brew install ${{ matrix.packages_to_add }}
sudo apt-get install ${{ matrix.packages_to_add }} -y
# we download and install Pythia
wget && tar xf pythia8310.tgz && rm pythia8310.tgz && cd pythia8310
./configure --cxx-common="-std=c++17 -march=native -O3 -fPIC -pthread" && make -j$(nproc) && cd ..
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SMASH_ROOT}/pythia8310/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # To make sure it can be found at run time
# we get eigen
wget && tar -xf eigen-3.4.0.tar.gz -C ${HOME}
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${HOME}/eigen-3.4.0/ # Let CMake find Eigen also when testing using SMASH as library
# we get cpplint
wget && chmod +x && mkdir -p ${HOME}/bin && mv ${HOME}/bin
export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}
# now we build SMASH
cd $SMASH_ROOT && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DPythia_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=${SMASH_ROOT}/pythia8310/bin/pythia8-config ..
make -j$(nproc)
# we check the building of the documentation for the current and the past Ubuntu LTS releases
if [ ${SITE} == "ubuntu-22.04-default-gcc" ] || [ ${SITE} == "ubuntu-20.04-minimum-gcc" ]; then make undocumented_test && make user; fi
# we run the tests
CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 ctest -j$(nproc)
# We now setup python environment to then install cmake-format, but we do so on one site only
# since we are going to test only there whether the codebase is correctly formatted or not
# and the outcome of this operation would be the same for all the tested systems
- if: == 'ubuntu-22.04-clang-13'
# this is another GitHub action to properly setup the python environment
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: '3.10'
- name: code_format_check
if: == 'ubuntu-22.04-clang-13'
run: |
# we install cmake-format in a dedicated directory
mkdir ${HOME}/python-tools && pip install --target ${HOME}/python-tools cmakelang==0.6.13
export PATH=${HOME}/python-tools/bin/:${PATH}
export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/python-tools:${PYTHONPATH}
# we want to be sure that clang-format refers to clang-format version 13.0
mkdir -p ${HOME}/bin
ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format-13 ${HOME}/bin/clang-format
export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}
# we check the correct formatting of the code
./bin/codebase-format-helper.bash C++ -t
./bin/codebase-format-helper.bash CMake -t