Releases: smd89xx/project-daisy-pc
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.3.0 (Build 2023-10-15_PC)
Can change window scale by pressing up or down on the title screen
- Keep in mind that saving is still not yet implemented
Fade rectangle now uses multiply blending
BUGFIX: Fades now work even with a non-binary alpha value
Given up on fixing screen collision
Numbers in font are now monospaced
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.2.2 (Build 2023-10-08_PC)
Universal scaling modifier used in place of hardcoded value(s)
- Testing level has been downscaled 3x to compensate
Pause screen menu is now perfectly centered (i hope)
Crash text changed
Player sprite added
You should no longer select Lucy in the Preferences menu, for she will crash the game when trying to start the level
Collision has still not been added
Screen edge collision is a work in progress
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.2.1 (Build 2023-10-04_PC)
Slight redesign of The Jukebox
Added seperate sound for navigating backwards through menus
Slightly more verbose error messages
Font changed slightly
New icon
Start Game now loads a placeholder level
Currently only a freecam implementation
Also includes pause screen
Dims background and gives the player the option of resuming the game, saving and quitting, and quitting without saving.
- Only 1 and 3 function
BUG: Fade does not work correctly when starting fade alpha is not 0 or 255 (exemplified by the pause menu
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.1.6 (Build 2023-09-19_PC)
BUG: Build string in title references yesterday
First Windows release
- Currently 100% compatible with Microsoft Visual C++
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.1.5 (Build 2023-09-17_PC)
The Jukebox now contains more audio information
Does audio loop (Yes/No)
Type of audio track (Music/SFX)
Time elapsed/total
Preferences screen finished
Shows outline of the option you selected
Outline color changes depending on player selection
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.1.4 (Build 2023-09-16_PC)
- BUGFIX: Escape key now backs out of The Jukebox
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.1.3 (Build 2023-09-16_PC)
Fixed capital V in font file (it now looks better)
Changed hover sound
Added seperate sound for selecting an item
Music and screen now fade out when selecting an item
Added preferences screen
- Currently non-functional (except for Exit and The Jukebox)
Added The Jukebox
- Extremely barebones but gets the job done
BUG: Escape key does not back out of The Jukebox
Version Pre-Pre Alpha 1.0.2 (Build 2023-09-04_PC)
First public binary release
Adds title screen and menu
- All menu items are non-functional
Linux support only (don't know how to configure for windows and don't have a mac)