This is a command line tool for converting given data representing FE8 supports and converts them into an Event Assembler .event file, for the purpose of automating the tracking of all sorts of data annoying to track manually when setting up support data.
supports2ea "input.txt" "characters.txt"
contains the input supports script.
contains character-relevant data automatically enumerated in the output file.
The format of each line of a support script is as follows:
Character + Character {initialValue, growthValue}
Where Character
is the name of a character defined in characters.txt
, initialValue
is the starting support level from 0-255, and growthValue
is the number of support points gained each turn the units are adjacent from 0-255.
The format of characters.txt
is the same as EA definitions, so you can reuse a character definitions file used by an EA buildfile for enumeration here.