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Credentials-fetcher is a Linux daemon that retrieves gMSA credentials from Active Directory over LDAP. It creates and refreshes kerberos tickets from gMSA credentials. Kerberos tickets can be used by containers to run apps/services that authenticate using Active Directory.


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Credentials Fetcher

credentials-fetcher is a Linux daemon that retrieves gMSA credentials from Active Directory over LDAP. It creates and refreshes kerberos tickets from gMSA credentials. Kerberos tickets can be used by containers to run apps/services that authenticate using Active Directory.

This daemon works in a similar way as ccg.exe and the gMSA plugin in Windows as described in -

How to install and run

  • To use the custom credentials-fetcher rpm in ECS domainless mode, modify the user data script as follows

    # prerequisites
    dnf install -y dotnet
    dnf install -y realmd
    dnf install -y oddjob
    dnf install -y oddjob-mkhomedir
    dnf install -y sssd
    dnf install -y adcli
    dnf install -y krb5-workstation
    dnf install -y samba-common-tools
    dnf install -y credentials-fetcher
    # start credentials-fetcher
    systemctl enable credentials-fetcher
    systemctl start credentials-fetcher
    echo "ECS_GMSA_SUPPORTED=true" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config       
    echo ECS_CLUSTER=MyCluster >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config

    Add an additional optional field in the secret in AWS Secrets Manager along with the standard user's username, password, and the domain. Enter the service account's Distinguished Name (DN) into JSON key-value pairs called distinguishedName

    {"username":"username","password":"passw0rd", "domainName":"", "distinguishedName":"CN=WebApp01,OU=DemoOU,OU=Users,OU=example,DC=example,DC=com"}
  • On Fedora 41 and similar distributions, the binary RPM can be installed as sudo dnf install credentials-fetcher. You can also use yum if dnf is not present. The daemon can be started using sudo systemctl start credentials-fetcher.

  • On Enterprise Linux 9 ( RHEL | CentOS | AlmaLinux ), the binary can be installed from EPEL. To add EPEL, see the EPEL Quickstart. Once EPEL is enabled, install credentials-fetcher with sudo dnf install credentials-fetcher.

  • For other linux distributions, the daemon binary needs to be built from source code.



Create credentialspec associated with gMSA account:

  • Create a domain joined windows instance
  • Install powershell module - "Install-Module CredentialSpec"
  • New-CredentialSpec -AccountName WebApp01 // Replace 'WebApp01' with your own gMSA
  • You will find the credentialspec in the directory 'C:\Program Data\Docker\Credentialspecs\WebApp01_CredSpec.json'

Standalone mode

To start a local dev environment from scratch:

* Clone the Git repository.
* cd credentials-fetcher && mkdir build
* cd build && cmake ../ && make -j && make install 
* ./credentials-fetcherd to start the program in non-daemon mode.


Logs about request/response to the daemon and any failures.

journalctl -u credentials-fetcher

Default environment variables

Environment Key Examples values Description
CF_KRB_DIR '/var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir' (Default) Dir path for storing the kerberos tickets
CF_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_DIR '/var/credentials-fetcher/socket' (Default) Dir path for the domain socker for gRPC communication 'credentials_fetcher.sock'
CF_LOGGING_DIR '/var/credentials-fetcher/logging' (Default) Dir Path for log
CF_TEST_DOMAIN_NAME '' Test domain name
CF_TEST_GMSA_ACCOUNT 'webapp01' Test gMSA account name

Runtime environment variables

Environment Variable Examples values Description
CF_CRED_SPEC_FILE '/var/credentials-fetcher/my-credspec.json' Path to a credential spec file used as input. (Lease id default: credspec)
'/var/credentials-fetcher/my-credspec.json:myLeaseId' An optional lease id specified after a colon
CF_GMSA_OU 'CN=Managed Service Accounts' Component of GMSA distinguished name (see docs/


Test using Personal CDK Stack

Use the AWS CDK to create

  • Active Directory Server
  • Windows EC2 instance to manage AD
  • EC2 Linux Containers on Amazon ECS
  • gMSA Account(s) in Active Directory
    The CDK will create all necessary infrastructure and install the necessary dependencies to run credentials-fetcher on non-domain-joined ECS hosts. Detailed steps to deploy and test using the CDK stack are present here.

Test APIs using Integration Test Script

/api/tests/gmsa_api_integration_test.cpp contains integration tests for the of the gMSA APIs.


Follow the instructions in the Domainless Mode README to set up the required infrastructure for testing gMSA on Linux containers.


Set AWS environment variables


Set Amazon S3 ARN containing the credential spec file.


Set standard username, password and domain used for testing


Build && Test

Follow the instructions from Standalone mode sections to build the code with the integration test flag enabled, generate binaries and start the server. Once the server has started, run integration tests

cd credentials-fetcher/build/
cmake -DBUILD_INTEGRATION_TESTS=ON .. && make -j
# Start the server from another terminal and run `sudo ./credentials-fetcherd`
sudo -E api/tests/gmsa_api_integration_test 

Sample output

> sudo api/tests/gmsa_api_integration_test 
[==========] Running 6 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 6 tests from GmsaIntegrationTest
[ RUN      ] GmsaIntegrationTest.HealthCheck_Test
[       OK ] GmsaIntegrationTest.HealthCheck_Test (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] GmsaIntegrationTest.A_AddNonDomainJoinedKerberosLeaseMethod_Test
[       OK ] GmsaIntegrationTest.A_AddNonDomainJoinedKerberosLeaseMethod_Test (1028 ms)
[ RUN      ] GmsaIntegrationTest.B_RenewNonDomainJoinedKerberosLeaseMethod_Test
[       OK ] GmsaIntegrationTest.B_RenewNonDomainJoinedKerberosLeaseMethod_Test (553 ms)
[ RUN      ] GmsaIntegrationTest.C_DeleteKerberosLeaseMethod_Test
[       OK ] GmsaIntegrationTest.C_DeleteKerberosLeaseMethod_Test (7 ms)
[ RUN      ] GmsaIntegrationTest.A_AddKerberosArnLeaseMethod_Test
[       OK ] GmsaIntegrationTest.A_AddKerberosArnLeaseMethod_Test (768 ms)
[ RUN      ] GmsaIntegrationTest.B_RenewKerberosArnLeaseMethod_Test
[       OK ] GmsaIntegrationTest.B_RenewKerberosArnLeaseMethod_Test (691 ms)
[----------] 6 tests from GmsaIntegrationTest (3054 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 6 tests from 1 test suite ran. (3054 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 6 tests.

Testing Tips without using CDK stack or Test Scripts

To communicate with the daemon over gRPC, install grpc-cli. For example sudo yum install grpc-cli

AddKerberosLease API:

Note: APIs use unix domain socket

Invoke the AddkerberosLease API with the credentialsspec input as shown:
grpc_cli call {unix_domain_socket} AddKerberosLease "credspec_contents: '{credentialspec}'"

grpc_cli call unix:/var/credentials-fetcher/socket/credentials_fetcher.sock
AddKerberosLease "credspec_contents: '{\"CmsPlugins\":[\"ActiveDirectory\"],\"DomainJoinConfig\":{\"Sid\":\"S-1-5-21-4217655605-3681839426-3493040985\",

* Response:
  lease_id - unique identifier associated to the request
  created_kerberos_file_paths - Paths associated to the Kerberos tickets created corresponding to the gMSA accounts
DeleteKerberosLease API:
Invoke the Delete kerberosLease API with lease id input as shown:
grpc_cli call {unix_domain_socket} DeleteKerberosLease "lease_id: '{lease_id}'"

grpc_cli call unix:/var/credentials-fetcher/socket/credentials_fetcher.sock DeleteKerberosLease "lease_id: '${response_lease_id_from_add_kerberos_lease}'"

* Response:
    lease_id - unique identifier associated to the request
    deleted_kerberos_file_paths - Paths associated to the Kerberos tickets deleted corresponding to the gMSA accounts


Testing with Active Directory domain-joined mode (opensource)

Credentials-fetcher in domainless mode assuming gMSA account 'WebApp01' has been setup as per

  • Either launch Amazon-Linux 2023 instance or build from source and run.

  • Make sure the instance/server is domain-joined using the realm list command in Linux.

  • Make sure Credentials-fetcher is running using:

     journalctl -u credentials-fetcher
  • Install grpc for python as per

  • Create the grpc pb2 files using credentialsfetcher.proto:

    # python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. credentialsfetcher.proto
  • Copy this code (Create the credspec and add it to the script as below ) (Alternatively, configure using the managed services at AWS ECS mode and AWS Fargate mode )

       # cat
       import grpc
       import credentialsfetcher_pb2
       import credentialsfetcher_pb2_grpc
       def run():
       with grpc.insecure_channel('unix:///var/credentials-fetcher/socket/credentials_fetcher.sock') as channel:
           stub = credentialsfetcher_pb2_grpc.CredentialsFetcherServiceStub(channel)
           contents = []
           contents += [credspec_contents]
           response = stub.AddKerberosLease(credentialsfetcher_pb2.CreateKerberosLeaseRequest(credspec_contents = contents))
           print(f"Server response: {response}")
       if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Configure Credentials-fetcher to create tickets for the 'WebApp01' gMSA account.

    # python3
        Server response: lease_id: "94efba947d75728bbf70"
        created_kerberos_file_paths: "/var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir/94efba947d75728bbf70/WebApp01"
  • Here is the resulting kerberos ticket that can be shared

      # klist  /var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir/94efba947d75728bbf70/WebApp01/krb5cc
          Ticket cache: FILE:/var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir/94efba947d75728bbf70/WebApp01/krb5cc
          Default principal: [email protected]
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    07/17/24 22:42:42  07/18/24 08:42:42  krbtgt/[email protected]
      renew until 07/24/24 22:42:42

Testing with Active Directory domainless mode (opensource )

Credentials-fetcher in domainless mode assuming gMSA account 'WebApp01' has been setup as per ( Please substitute username, secret and password as needed)

#  cat

    import grpc
    import credentialsfetcher_pb2
    import credentialsfetcher_pb2_grpc

    def run():
        with grpc.insecure_channel('unix:///var/credentials-fetcher/socket/credentials_fetcher.sock') as channel:
            stub = credentialsfetcher_pb2_grpc.CredentialsFetcherServiceStub(channel)
            contents = []
            contents += [credspec_contents]
            response = stub.AddNonDomainJoinedKerberosLease(credentialsfetcher_pb2.CreateNonDomainJoinedKerberosLeaseRequest(credspec_contents = contents, username="admin", password="mypassword", domain=""))
            print(f"Server response: {response}")

    if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Configure Credentials-fetcher (in opensource mode) to create tickets for the 'WebApp01' gMSA account ( Alternatively, configure using the managed services at AWS ECS mode and AWS Fargate mode)

    # python3
        Server response: lease_id: "34e2b89e3fd8a9bcb297"
        created_kerberos_file_paths: "/var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir/34e2b89e3fd8a9bcb297/WebApp01"
  • Here is the resulting kerberos ticket that can be shared

    # klist  /var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir/34e2b89e3fd8a9bcb297/WebApp01/krb5cc
        Ticket cache: FILE:/var/credentials-fetcher/krbdir/34e2b89e3fd8a9bcb297/WebApp01/krb5cc
        Default principal: [email protected]
        Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
        07/17/24 22:10:29  07/18/24 08:10:29  krbtgt/[email protected]
            renew until 07/18/24 22:10:29


On Amazon Linux 2023, only Linux x86_64 architecture is supported. Running the Credentials-fetcher outside of Linux distributions is not supported.


Contributions and feedback are welcome! Proposals and pull requests will be considered and responded to. For more information, see the file. If you have a bug/and issue around the behavior of the credentials-fetcher, please open it here.

Amazon Web Services does not currently provide support for modified copies of this software.

Security disclosures

If you think you’ve found a potential security issue, please do not post it in the Issues. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly.


The Credentials Fetcher is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE and NOTICE for more information.


Credentials-fetcher is a Linux daemon that retrieves gMSA credentials from Active Directory over LDAP. It creates and refreshes kerberos tickets from gMSA credentials. Kerberos tickets can be used by containers to run apps/services that authenticate using Active Directory.







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  • C++ 41.2%
  • C 40.4%
  • Python 11.7%
  • CMake 3.1%
  • PowerShell 2.1%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 0.3%