This is a part of the Computer Networks Assignment at BITS Pilani. We are planning to build an application layer protocol which ensures retransmissions,acks,seq numbers while sending packets through UDP protocol.
This assignment was done by
1)Smit Shah : 2017A7PS0080H 2)Shikhar Dhawale : 2017A7PS0049H 3)Anish Walia : 2017A7PS0035H 4)Anish Dey : 2017A7PS0220H 5)Aniruddh Gupta : 2017A7PS0149H
The application consists of a server and client.The client sends message to a client,which the server writes to a file.Multiple clients can send message to the server.
The server file can be run by:
This starts the server file,which listens on port 9999.
Each client is run as a thread in another terminal,and can be run by
These packets get written to client_messages/<clientip_port>.txt It contains the data sent by the client to the server.
For running these files you will need to have these python libraries installed :
- socket
- pickle
- time
- random
- csv
- threading
Using the netem tool,we can simulate conditions like packet loss,packet delays and packet corruption.We can insert rules in our Ubuntu terminal to simulate the conditions.
The lo interface refers to localhost
To view all the rules:
sudo tc qdisc show dev lo
To delete all the rules for an interface:
sudo tc qdisc del dev lo root
To simulate packet loss :
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem loss 0.1%
This causes 1/10th of a percent (i.e 1 out of 1000) packets to be randomly dropped.The lo can be changed to interface on which you want to test.
To simulate packet reordering :
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem gap 3 delay 1000ms reorder 50%
This causes with a 50%probability for every 3rd packet to be sent first and the remaining packets to have a delay of 1000ms.
To corrupt packets
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem corrupt 0.1%
To add fixed delay to all packets
sudotc qdisc add dev lo root netem delay 100ms