Timer to create sequences suitable for game development.
Having a timer that is quick to use and configurable makes it more enjoyable to create interesting events. Over the years I have tweaked a timer and I found the latest revision of it to be simple, yet highly configurable and worth sharing to anyone interested. Following are some examples of how to use it.
time.waitDo(1000, () => {
console.log("Waited 1000 ms!");
time.waitDo(1000, (props) => {
console.log("Waited 1000 ms, then repeat until told otherwise.");
props.repeat = true;
time.waitDo(1000, (props) => {
console.log("Waited 1000 ms, then repeat with 500 ms interval until told otherwise.");
props.repeat = true;
props.wait = 500;
() => {
console.log("Waited 1000 ms!");
() => {
console.log("After 1000 ms I did something else.");
() => {
console.log("After another 1000 ms I did the last thing.");
const timerID = time.waitDo(0,
(props, delta, ms) => {
console.log("Started next frame and keeps repeating every frame until delay is 1000 ms.");
if (props.delay == undefined) props.delay = 0;
if ((props.delay += ms) < 1000) props.repeat = false;
else props.repeat = true;
(props) => {
console.log("Doing it, then setting a random wait time.");
props.wait = Math.random() * 1000;
(props) => {
console.log("After random time I'm doing something. Then I am waiting on something somewhere else in the code.");
props.pause = true;
() => {
console.log("And I am doing my last thing.");
// Somewhere else in the code.
time.getWaitDo(timerID).props.pause = false;
(props) => {
console.log("Creating a new sprite, setting a count property to 0 and waiting 1000 ms.");
props.sprite = new Sprite(...);
props.sprite.visible = false;
props.count = 0;
props.wait = 1000;
(props, delta) => {
console.log(`Set sprite visible, repeat every frame and move down 1 * delta until at 100.\n
Then go to next callback, or if second pass, go to last callback.`);
props.sprite.visible = true;
props.sprite.y += 1 * delta;
if (props.sprite.y < 100) props.repeat = true;
else {
props.repeat = false;
if (props.count > 1) props.cbIndex = 3;
props.wait = 0;
(props, delta) => {
console.log("Move sprite back up until reaching 0. Then go back to the previous callback.");
props.sprite.y -= 1 * delta;
if (props.sprite.y > 0) props.repeat = true;
else props.cbIndex = 2; // Two because repeat true makes this 1 lower, so actual is 1.
(props) =>{
console.log("Hiding the sprite. When later using time.clean(), the sprite will be properly destroyed.");
props.sprite.visible = false;
props.destroyCb = (props) => {