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Raspberry Pi Setup


Install Raspbian

The first step is to flash your MicroSD card with the latest version of Raspbian Lite.

If you intend to setup the hardware "headless" (without a keyboard and monitor), you should create a blank file called ssh at the top level of the "boot" volume. This will instruct Raspbian to boot up with SSH enabled, but only once.

Terminal login

If you have a monitor and HDMI cable handy, it's the safest way to login to your pi. Insert the MicroSD card, plug in the HDMI cable and keyboard, and power it on. You should see a bunch of text scrolling by, and eventually it should show you a login prompt.

Username: pi
Password: raspberry

Headless login

Note: this may not work any more, now that the SSH service isn't enabled by default

Once your Pi is up and running, plug it into a router with an ethernet cable & track down the IP address from the DHCP client list. If you have the nmap utility installed, you can also search for all the clients serving on port 22:

nmap -sV -p 22

Once you have the IP address you can login:

ssh pi@[ip address]

Password: raspberry

Change the password

Set a new password: passwd

Type the current password, then your new password twice. When you type your password, it won't show your typing, which can be surprising if you're not expecting it. Please remember your password, it will be annoying later if you forget it.

Initial config

Run the configuration utility.

sudo raspi-config
  1. Expand the filesystem
  2. Change the root password
  3. Internationalisation
  • Change Locale (I chose en_US-UTF-8 UTF-8) and select it on the following screen
  • Change Time Zone to UTC
  • Change Keyboard Layout to one that you prefer (I chose English US layout, with everything else default)
  1. Choose your country's Wi-Fi settings
  2. Advanced settings
  • Enable SSH server
  • Change the hostname to smoldata
  1. Finish (and reboot)

Setup wifi

Edit the wifi config: sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Add the following configuration:

  ssid="Wifi SSID"
  psk="Wifi password"

Restart the networking service:

sudo service networking restart

Wait a moment, and then check that you're actually connected to the Internet: ping (type ctrl-C to stop (Mac users that is an actual "ctrl" key, not "command")). If you get an error message, it could just be that you need to wait a bit longer and try again.

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y gpac firmware-linux-nonfree crda

Now let's reboot and then we should be ready to install some new things.

sudo reboot

SSH login

If you want to login via SSH, you can follow the steps in the headless login section above to figure out the IP address, or type ifconfig wlan0 from the terminal to figure out the current IP.

Then you can login via SSH from Mac/Linux like this: ssh pi@[ip address] (and type the password you set earlier)

If you use Windows, you may need to install a client like PuTTY.

What next?

See: Caring for your Raspberry Pi


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