In this project, I wrote an app that takes topic and sub-topic and time T as input data and returns the most relevant streaming tweets to the topic and sub topic in the last T seconds. The streaming tweets are collected, cleaned and vectorized to get the result.
Here are a list of descriptions for each folder in this reposition.
jupyter notebooks/twitter_proj.ipynb
A notebook that documents the steps
- save streaming related tweets to the topic in the given time frame
- clean and pre-process the saved tweets
- vectorization using the pretrained model GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin
- return the most similar tweets related to the given topic and sub-topic by means of the similarity score
gets the latest tweets for the topic in the time frame
cleans and vectorizes given tweets
generates the most related tweets to the user input topic and sub-topic
a Flask app that user submits Sub-Topic, Topic and Timeframe at /user_input.html and it returns the most relevant tweets at /results.html
a table for the user to submit Sub-Topic, Topic and Timeframe
a table of results of the related tweets is saved here.