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RelaySMS Assembler is a tool designed to streamline the setup, cloning, and deployment of the RelaySMS units. It automates the process of bringing together all the components and starting the project.


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RelaySMS Assembler

RelaySMS Assembler is a tool designed to streamline the setup, cloning, and deployment of the RelaySMS units. It automates the process of bringing together all the components and starting the project.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Configuration
  3. Script Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Example Scenarios
  6. Contributions
  7. License


Before using Assembler, make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:

  • Git: Required for cloning and updating repositories.
  • Docker: Essential for deploying the projects.
  • Docker Compose: Necessary for managing multi-container Docker applications.


To configure your deployment, you'll need to set up environment variables in a .env file. These variables control various aspects of your application's behavior, such as the hosts, credentials, encryption keys, and third-party services.

Setting Up the Configuration

  1. Copy the Example File: Start by copying the .env.example file to .env:

    cp .env.example .env
  2. Edit the .env File: Open the .env file in a text editor and configure the necessary variables. Below is a detailed explanation of each configuration variable:

    Description of Configurations:

    • HOMEPAGE_HTTP_HOST: Set this to the base URL or IP address where the homepage service will be accessible.
    • VAULT_HTTP_HOST & VAULT_gRPC_HOST: These should point to the URLs or IP addresses where the Vault service is hosted, using HTTP and gRPC protocols respectively.
    • PUBLISHER_HTTP_HOST & PUBLISHER_gRPC_HOST: Define the HTTP and gRPC hosts for the Publisher service.
    • GATEWAY_SERVER_HTTP_HOST: Set this to the base URL or IP address for the Gateway server.
    • GATEWAY_SERVER_FTP_* variables: Configure the FTP access details for file transfer operations on the Gateway server.
    • GATEWAY_SERVER_IMAP_* variables: Set up the IMAP server details for email retrieval and processing on the Gateway server.
    • GATEWAY_CLIENT_REMOTE_HTTP_HOST: Specify the HTTP host for the remote client that interacts with the Gateway server.
    • PUBLISHER_ENCRYPTION_KEY: A secure key for encrypting data within the Publisher service (Will be deprecated in V3).
    • HASHING_SALT: Path to a file containing a random value used to hash data.
    • SHARED_KEY: Path to a file containing a random value used to encrypt data.
    • SSL_CERTIFICATE_* variables: Paths to your SSL/TLS certificates, which are necessary for securing your application with HTTPS.
    • MYSQL_* variables: MySQL database credentials for accessing the database securely.
    • RABBITMQ_* variables: RabbitMQ broker credentials, essential for message queuing between services.
    • RECAPTCHA_* variables: Keys for integrating Google reCAPTCHA into your application for bot protection.
    • THIRD_PARTY_CREDENTIALS_PATH: Path to a directory containing credentials for third-party services.
    • KEYSTORE_PATH: Path to a directory where vault keypairs are stored.
    • BROADCAST_WHITELIST: Path to a file containing IP addresses allowed to send broadcast messages within your network (Will be deprecated in V3).
    • TWILIO_* variables: Twilio API credentials for managing OTP services, including account SID, authentication token, and service SID.
    • MOCK_OTP: (Optional) A static OTP value used for testing environments without real OTPs.
    • DEKU_CLOUD_* variables: Configuration for connecting to Deku Cloud services, including authentication details and service references.

Script Installation

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the Assembler Repository: Begin by cloning the Assembler repository:

    git clone
    cd assembler
  2. Install the Script: Run the following command to install the script and create a symbolic link:

    ./ install

    This command will allow you to run assembler from any directory on your system.


Assembler offers a variety of commands to manage the setup and deployment of RelaySMS units.

Basic Syntax

assembler [command] [options]


Clone Command

The clone command is used to clone repositories or update existing ones.

  • Usage:

    assembler clone [options]
  • Options:

    • --branch BRANCH: Specify the branch to clone or update.
    • --project PROJECT: (Optional) Specify a project to clone or update. If omitted, all projects are cloned or updated.

Deploy Command

The deploy command is used to deploy the projects, optionally using a reverse proxy and management tools.

  • Usage:

    assembler deploy [options]
  • Options:

    • --no-proxy: Disable the use of a reverse proxy (Nginx).
    • --no-management: Exclude management tools from the deployment.
    • --project PROJECT: (Optional) Specify a project to deploy.

Certs Command

The certs command is used to copy SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt.

  • Usage:

    assembler certs --letsencrypt --destination
  • Options:

    • --letsencrypt DOMAIN: Specifies the domain name associated with Let's Encrypt certificates. The domain name is used to locate the certificate files in the directory path /etc/letsencrypt/live/DOMAIN/. This directory contains the necessary certificate files for the specified domain.

    • --destination DOMAIN: Defines the destination domain name for the certificates. The domain name is appended to the /etc/ssl/certs/DOMAIN/ path, where the certificate files will be stored. This directory will hold the certificates required for secure communication for the specified domain.

Drop Command

The drop command stops and removes containers, with an optional flag to delete their images.

  • Usage:

    assembler drop [options]
  • Options:

    • --remove-images: Remove Docker images after stopping and removing containers.
    • --project PROJECT: (Optional) Specify a project to drop.

Install Command

The install command installs the Assembler script by creating a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin, allowing the script to be executed from any directory.

  • Usage:

    assembler install

Uninstall Command

The uninstall command removes the symbolic link created by the install command, effectively uninstalling the Assembler script.

  • Usage:

    assembler uninstall

Update Command

The update command checks for the latest version of Assembler on GitHub and updates the script to the most recent version if available.

  • Usage:

    assembler update
  • Options:

    • --no-version-check: Skip the version comparison during the update.

Example Scenarios

Here are some example scenarios that demonstrate how to use Assembler:

  1. Clone a specific branch for all projects:

    assembler clone --branch feature-branch
  2. Update a specific project on the default branch:

    assembler clone --project my-repo
  3. Deploy all projects behind a reverse proxy:

    assembler deploy
  4. Deploy a specific project without a reverse proxy or management tools:

    assembler deploy --no-proxy --no-management --project my-repo
  5. Stop and remove containers, including Docker images, for a specific project:

    assembler drop --remove-images --project my-repo


To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature-branch.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add a new feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature-branch.
  5. Open a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the LICENSE file for details.


RelaySMS Assembler is a tool designed to streamline the setup, cloning, and deployment of the RelaySMS units. It automates the process of bringing together all the components and starting the project.





