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ICU Extubation Decision-Making

Framework of the extubation decision-making problem

The repository contains code for an Offline Constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) based Extubation Decison-Making support tool utilized in the research effort of us. Code created by Maotong Sun ([email protected]) and Jingui Xie ([email protected]) and please CITE the following when you are utilizing our results:

Maotong Sun, Jingui Xie. Personalized ICU Extubation Decisions under Resource Constraints: An Offline Constrained Reinforcement Learning Approach, 2024.

This repository contains multiple files, most of them being achieved in the models folder:

  1. models/ The main file for the Offline Constrained Reinforcement Learning based Extubation Decision-Making support tool.
  2. models/ The file for the Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) algorithm.
  3. models/ The file for the training set generation.
  4. models/ The file for the evaluation of the model.
  5. models/ The file for modifying the data suitable for the RL training and testing. The data is from the MIMIC-IV dataset, and has already been preprocessed. The original dataset is not provided in this repository, but can be obtained from the MIMIC-IV dataset website. The data is preprocessed and saved in the data folder as state_id_table.csv and rl_state_table.csv.

In the following section, we provide the guideline to show the functions of models/, models/, models/, and models/


Step 0. Data Preprocessing

We provide our data selection process and data imputation process in the data folder. The data/ file is used to preprocess the original MIMIC-IV data and complete the data selection process. We provide some common selection criterias for extubation decision-making study. Users can modify the file to fit their own dataset.

Then, the data/ file is used to impute the missing values in the selected data. We provide some common imputation methods and the whole data imputation process in our study. Users can specify the imputation methods they would like to use and set necessary hyperparameters.

Step 1. Construct the DataLoader

Before deploying RL algorithms to a medical decision-making problem, users need to construct a DataLoader following these steps. Here, we demonstrate using the MIMIC-IV dataset from our research, with Extubation Failure Rate (EFR) as the objective cost and Length-of-Stay (LOS) in ICUs from invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) initiation as the resource constraint.

class DataLoader:
    def __init__(self, cfg, state_id_path, rl_state_path, test_size = 0.20, random_state = 1000, scaler = StandardScaler()):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.state_id_path = state_id_path
        self.rl_state_path = rl_state_path
        self.test_size = test_size
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.scaler = scaler

        # Load datasets
        self.state_df_id = pd.read_csv(self.state_id_path)
        self.rl_state_var = pd.read_csv(self.rl_state_path)

        # Initial processing
        self.rl_state_var = self.drop_unwanted_columns(self.rl_state_var)
        self.rl_state_var_sc = self.scale_data(self.rl_state_var)

        # Splitting the data
        self.state_df_id_exp = self.state_df_id.copy()

The DataLoader class is designed to load the data, set objective costs and constraints, construct the state space and action space, scale the data, split the data into training and testing sets, and store them into the respective training and testing buffer.

  1. Load the data: Load the data from the state_id_table.csv and rl_state_table.csv files. The first table contains some administration information (e.g., admission_ID, LOS, etc.), and the second table contains the clinical variable to construct the feature vector to represent patients' states (e.g., age, weight, respiratory rate, etc.). Users can upload their own data in the same format or from other sources (e.g., MySQL, Google Cloud, etc.).
  2. Set objective costs and constraints:
def process_con_costs(self):
    # Initialize 'con_costs' to 0 by default
    self.state_df_id['con_costs'] = 0

    # Processing conditions
    condition_1 = (self.state_df_id['EXT'] == 1) & (self.state_df_id['ext_fail'] == 1)
    self.state_df_id.loc[condition_1, 'con_costs'] = 100

    condition_2 = (self.state_df_id['EXT'] == 1) & (self.state_df_id['ext_fail'] != 1)
    self.state_df_id.loc[condition_2, 'con_costs'] = 0
  1. Construct the state space and action space:
def drop_unwanted_columns(self, df):
    columns_to_drop = ['Respiratory Rate', 'Respiratory Rate (spontaneous)', 'Respiratory Rate (Total)',
                       'Tidal Volume (observed)', 'Tidal Volume (spontaneous)']
    return df.drop(columns=columns_to_drop)
  1. Data process for model training, we only use scaling here, and other data processing methods can be added here:
def scale_data(self, df):
    return pd.DataFrame(self.scaler.fit_transform(df), columns = df.columns)
  1. Split the data into training and testing sets:
def split_data(self):
    self.train_ext_id, self.test_ext_id = train_test_split(pd.unique(self.state_df_id_exp['ext_id']), test_size = self.test_size, random_state = self.random_state)
def prepare_dataframes(self):
  1. Store the training and testing sets into the respective training and testing buffer:
def data_buffer_train(self):
def data_buffer_test(self):
  1. Build the dataloaders for the training and testing sets suitable for the RL training and testing using PyTorch:
def data_torch_loader_train(self):
def data_torch_loader_test(self):

Step 2. Set the Hyperparameters for the RL Agent

Users only need to specify several hyperparameters to construct the RL agent, with or without constraints. The RL agent we use is the Fitted-Q-Iteration (FQI) algorithm modified by us, which is introduced in the paper "Personalized Extubation Decision-Making with Resource Constraints".

# Start the RL agent construction
configurator = OCRL_model_fqi.RLConfigurator()
# Specify the hyperparameters
config = configurator.input_rl_config()

If researchers lean towards studying Constrained RL models, customization of more hyperparameters is possible by modifying OCRL_model_fqi.RLConfigurator(), including the loss function (we default to using MSE) and the corresponding optimization algorithm (we default to using SGD). Otherwise, the program accommodates more commonly used reinforcement learning hyperparameter settings, providing an interface that allows researchers to input the number of constraints they require and their corresponding thresholds.

Step 3. Train the RL Agent

  1. Use the 'DataLoader' built in Step 1 to load the training and testing sets.
data = DataMIMIC_IV_EFR.DataLoader(config, 
                                   state_id_path = "../data/state_id_table.csv", 
                                   rl_state_path = "../data/rl_state_table.csv", 
                                   test_size = 0.20, random_state = 68, scaler = StandardScaler())

You can use 'data.state_df_id' or 'data.rl_state_var' to check the data you loaded.


  1. Train the FQI agent using the training sets.
rl_training = train_set.RLTraining(cfg, 
                                   state_dim = 30, action_dim = 2, 
                                   hidden_layers = None, 
                                   data_loader = data.data_torch_loader_train)

agent_fqi_c0 = rl_training.fqi_agent_config(seed = 1)
agent_fqe_obj_c0 = rl_training.fqe_agent_config(agent_fqi_c0, eval_target = 'obj', seed = 2)
agent_fqe_con_c0 = rl_training.fqe_agent_config(agent_fqi_c0, eval_target = 0, seed = 3)

rl_training.train(agent_fqi_c0, agent_fqe_obj_c0, [agent_fqe_con_c0], constraint = True)                                

Users should create the FQI agent and FQE agents for the training. In this case, two FQE agents should be created, one for the objective cost $c$ which refers to the EFR, and one for the constraint cost $g$ which is the LOS in ICU after the initiation of MV. The FQI agent is used to learn the policy, and the FQE agents are used to evaluate the learned policy and update the dual variables (if constraints exist).

Framework of the extubation decision-making problem

Step 4. Evaluate (test) the RL Agent

Users can evaluate the trained RL agent using the testing sets and the FQE agents.

rl_testing = test_set.RLTesting(cfg,  agent_fqe_obj_c0, data_loader = data.data_torch_loader_test)
test_eval_obj_cost = rl_testing.test_eval()

rl_testing = test_set.RLTesting(cfg,  agent_fqe_con_c0, data_loader = data.data_torch_loader_test)
test_eval_con_cost = rl_testing.test_eval()

Step 5. Comparison with CQL

After training and testing the proposed method, users can compare the results with other offline RL approaches, such as the standard FQI algorithm (without constraints) and the Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) algorithm.

  1. For the standard FQI algorithm without constraints, users can simply set the constraint_num to 0 in the RLConfigurator class during Step 2.

  2. For the CQL algorithm, users can import the file from the models folder, and then follow similar steps as the FQI algorithm with constraints.

from models import ORL_model_cql

configurator = ORL_model_cql.RLConfigurator()
config = configurator.input_rl_config()

# Load the data
data = DataMIMIC_IV_EFR.DataLoader(config, 
                                   state_id_path = "../data/state_id_table.csv", 
                                   rl_state_path = "../data/rl_state_table.csv", 
                                   test_size = 0.20, random_state = 68, scaler = StandardScaler())
cql_training = train_set.RLTraining_cql(config, state_dim = 30, action_dim = 2, hidden_layers = None, data_loader = data.data_torch_loader_train)

agent_cql_0 = cql_training.cql_agent_config(seed = 1)
agent_fqe_obj_0 = cql_training.fqe_agent_config(agent_cql_0, eval_target = 'obj', seed = 2)
agent_fqe_con_0 = cql_training.fqe_agent_config(agent_cql_0, eval_target = 0, seed = 3)

agent_cql_0.train(agent_fqi_c0, agent_fqe_obj_c0, [agent_fqe_con_c0])                                

In the notebook notebooks/Example_MIMIC_IV_EFR.ipynb, we demonstrate the functionality by executing the above steps.

Step 6. Software Prototype

We provide a software prototype in the models/ and models/ The trained FQE agents can be loaded to evaluate the new input data. models/ is built on the tkinter package, and models/ is built on the flask package. Users can directly run these two files to try the software prototype.


Code repository of ICU-EDM






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