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It Is a small and simple actor system using Kotlin and Coroutines (kotlinx.coroutines).

The primary objective is to create a minimal actor system capable of functioning in cluster mode.

Work in progress

The project is currently under development. However, you can already use it with the STATIC cluster node management without any issues. We are already planning to use it in production in the very near future.

Key concepts

  • Using the SWIM gossip protocol for node/network discovery and low level communication.
  • Using gRPC for the necessary communications from one node to another.
  • Using the raft consensus algorithm for (only for DYNAMIC node management):
    • leader election: the leader is responsible to manage the cluster state (add/remove nodes)
    • maintain cluster state: replicate the cluster state across the nodes of the network



or using gradle:


Let's create an Actor!

data class Req(val msg: String)
data class Resp(val msg: String)

data class AccountActor(
    override val shard: String,
    override val key: String
) : Actor(shard, key) {
    override suspend fun onBeforeActivate() { { "[${address()}] before-activate" }

    override suspend fun onActivate(m: Message) { { "[${address()}] activate ($m)" }
    override fun onReceive(m: Message, r: Response.Builder): Response {
        val msg = m.cast<Req>() { "[$name] Received message: $msg" }
        val res = Resp("Pong!")
        return r.value(res).build()

Now let's send some messages:

val a: Actor.Ref = ActorSystem.get(AccountActor::class, "ACC0010")

val req = Req(msg = "[tell] Hello World!")

val req2 = Req(msg = "[ask] Ping!")
val r = a.ask<Resp>(req2)

See other examples here.

You can also check the microbank example here. Microbank is small banking account simulator that we have created to test actor4k.

Node management

We offer 2 types of node management

  • STATIC: The cluster is initialized with a fixed number of nodes, and any changes to the network will not be applied. For instance, if a node restarts or stops, the other nodes will continue sending traffic to that node. This mode can be a suitable option for small clusters (e.g., 2-5 nodes) as it simplifies the cluster's operation and management.
  • DYNAMIC: The cluster will be initialized with a set of nodes (seed-members). Then, the leader of the network will scan for changes and initiate a shard migration process for each change. For example, when a new node is discovered, it will be added to the network after the shard migration is completed. Please note that this functionality has not been thoroughly tested yet, so we may encounter data corruption.

Let's start up the cluster

val alias = System.getenv("ACTOR4K_NODE_ID") ?: "bank-1"
val host = System.getenv("ACTOR4K_NODE_HOST") ?: alias
val httpPort = System.getenv("ACTOR4K_NODE_HTTP_PORT")?.toInt() ?: 9000
val grpcPort = System.getenv("ACTOR4K_NODE_GRPC_PORT")?.toInt() ?: 61100
val gossipPort = System.getenv("ACTOR4K_NODE_GOSSIP_PORT")?.toInt() ?: 61000
val seedMembers: List<Cluster.Conf.Node> =
    (System.getenv("ACTOR4K_SEED_MEMBERS") ?: "$alias::localhost:$gossipPort")
        .map { Cluster.Conf.Node.from(it) }

val conf = Cluster.Conf
    .build() { conf }


Check the microbank example for more information.

Working with Java

We provide special utilities to accomplish this. Whenever you need to, simply call the asJava() method and the magic will happen.

For instance take a look here.

ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.INSTANCE.start(ActorSystem.INSTANCE.getConf());
Actor.Ref ref = system.getRegistry().asJava().get(AccountActor.class, "ACC00011").join();

You can also find other examples here.

Progress of the project

A lot of things need to be done, so sit tight…

  • Cluster/Sharding
    • Support STATIC/DYNAMIC node management.
    • Use raft consensus algorithm for the cluster node membership (control the state of the cluster).
    • Implement tell/ask patterns across cluster nodes
    • Add support for cross-node actor reference
    • Introduce the concept of Shard
    • Shard management and re-balance shards after a node joins/leaves cluster
    • Error handling
    • Review/Optimize MemberManager
    • Graceful shutdown
  • Serialization
    • Send protocol messages using the gossip protocol
    • Use gRPC for sending messages from an actor to another (in the case of different nodes)
    • Use protobuf for actor messages (kotlinx protobuf)
  • Java compatibility
  • Logging (in progress)
    • Configure log4j/slf4j
    • Disable unnecessary messages
  • Benchmark (in progress)
    • GET a single account (JMeter) ( see microbank :: get single account.jmx). Managed 16.6k req/sec with 3 nodes in a Macbook Pro with M1 Max
    • Deploy microbank to a kubernetes cluster.
    • Load test with gatling (in progress)
  • Testing
  • Native Kotlin support (in progress)
  • Metrics/Stats (in progress)
  • Documentation
  • Persistence

Run the example.


The included example tries to simulate a basic bank accounting system.

It defines an AccountActor that can handle only two simple commands, Req.GetAccount and Req.ApplyTx.

The client microbank-client generates traffic. In the end will check the available balance (should be zero).

So, with this example, we validate the cluster consistency.

Run the following script (it will also build the project).


The above script will do the following:

  • Build the project.
  • Build the docker image actor4k-bank:latest.
  • Run the docker compose that will start:
    • 3 custer bank nodes
    • a nginx acting as the loadbalancer

Then you can run the microbank-client in order to generate some traffic:

java -jar microbank-client/build/libs/microbank-client-0.1.0.jar


./gradelw clean && docker compose down -v


./gradlew build


docker build . -t microbank -f microbank/src/main/docker/Dockerfile

Links and References