released this
19 Jun 03:45
PCB Exposure:
(Add) Able to select multiple files and create a layer per file or merge them into one layer
(Add) Able to import files from a zip file
(Improvement) Round pixel coordinates and line thickness
(Improvement) Better position precision for primitives
(Improvement) Disable the ok button if no files were selected
(Change) Do not auto mirror based on printer lcd mirror type
(Fix) Limit line thickness to 1px minimum
(Fix) Allow leading zero omit from XY coordinates (#492 )
(Fix) Mirror option was shifting the board position
(Add) Calibrate - Blooming effect: Generates test models with various strategies and increments to measure the blooming effect
(Add) Setting: Issues - Default order by, changes the default order on the issues list (#482 )
(Improvement) CTBv4 and encrypted: Fetch BottomWaitTimes
virtual property from first bottom layer that has at least 2 pixels (#483 )
(Fix) Linux: Enable desktop integration for AppImages (#490 )
(Fix) Extracting zip contents inside folders would cause a error and not extract those contents
(Upgrade) AvaloniaUI from 0.10.14 to 0.10.15 [Fixes auto-size problems]
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