- Make sure Appium server is started(If appium server is not started locally, provider ip and port using -DappiumServer and -DappiumPort
- Run
adb devices
to get the udid of connected android device - Run the below command from root folder
java -cp target/wipro-android-automation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar:target/libs/*:target/wipro-android-automation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dplatform=android -DplatformVersion=androidVersion -Dudid=udid -DdeviceName=udid -DappPackage=com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping -DappActivity=com.amazon.mShop.splashscreen.StartupActivity -DnewCommandTimeout=5000 org.testng.TestNG testng_files/amazon.xml
This Framework uses Page Object Model with data driven approach. Data is passed as xml via paramters in testNG and it is parsed usign JAXB