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All Things DataSci

snehithallamraju edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the DataSci wiki! This page is to keep myself a track of everything related to Data Science, Visualization, Analytics, whenever I come across something interesting. I am sure there are multiple other pages out there with the same(or more) information, but this is my aggregation page.I will add along and update this as time permits

Useful Python Packages for Data Vizualization

  1. Matplotlib
  2. Bokeh - For Interactive Plots
  3. DataShader
  4. Vaex
  5. htmlwidgets
  6. Leaflet

Useful R Packages

  1. Shiny


  1. D3.js


  1. Dataframed
  2. Data Science Office Hours
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