- Planned Custom ROM for Button Smart phones This is probably my most ambitious idea so far, but smart button device is something I plan on using in future and the growing trend to live in the present gives me hope for this one. I will get started once I get my hands to one of those devices. I will most likely fork AOSP or lineageOS.
- Mobile app to control (by parents) the content kids watch Not sure about how this will turn out, brainstrom attempt is pretty much on with this. I just am not comfortable seeing my kid cousin enjoying the cringe-fest from short video contents. I just want him to get some good entertainment as we did before all the competiton for attention become a thing.
- App for finding blood donors available nearby.
- Typing tutor adjusting on current performance analytics
- App to adjust and convert between markdown, tex and html files Only issue is Latex feels really hard to me 😶🌫️
- On another note, I am working on series of stories titled `Melancholy`, Planned to have 5 stories and an Ending novel
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