Releases: snowplow/stream-collector
Kafka sink to open fewer threads [#431]
Explicitly return 408 when timeout is hit [#427]
Extend default timeouts to match upstream defaults [#426]
Update workflows to install sbt [#434]
Remove parts of the cookies that are not valid according to RFC 6265 [#432]
Disable timeouts on healthcheck calls [#426]
Remove debug http [#434]
Remove body read timeout feature [#429]
Bump aws sdk to 1.12.769 66 [#428]
Bump azure-identity to 1.13.2 [#428]
Bump sbt-snowplow-release to 0.3.2 [#428]
This version introduces performance improvements and Azure EventHubs' OAuth2 support.
Bump transitive jnr-posix to 3.1.8 (#419)
Prevent Kafka sink from blocking (#418)
Allow setting size limit on line and header length (#417)
Add debug logging and timeout configurations (#417)
Add timeout for body parsing (#417)
Expand default time limit (#417)
Log cats-effect warning at debug level (#414)
collector-kafka: authenticate with Event Hubs using OAuth2 (#401)
Add snowman job for tag builds
Cross compile to scala 2.12
This release adds support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
The HSTS header ensures that websites or services are not accessed via HTTP when HTTPS (the more secure protocol) is available.
This is most relevant for URLs that users might type into their browser — if they start with http://
by mistake, there is a risk that a prepared attacker impersonates the site and steals user data. Because users don’t typically access Collector endpoints directly, there is no significant attack vector. However, it’s a good security practice to use HSTS, and it helps pass automated security checks on the infrastructure.
If your Collector is behind a reverse proxy like Nginx, then you would have already been able to configure the HSTS header there. But if you are using something like an AWS or GCP load balancer, it can be convenient to send this header from the app itself, to be passed through by the load balancer.
The configuration looks like this:
hsts {
enable = true
maxAge = 365 days
This setting is off by default. Otherwise it could be problematic for users not exposing HTTPS endpoints.
You can find the relevant configuration properties in the docs for Collector.
- Add an option to send HSTS header (#409)
This release is a minor fix release affecting a situation where events would be tracked as failed due to particular tracking setup and unintended behavioral change.
This is the first release of a new major collector version series: 3.0.0. It features an updated HTTP stack, a new license, unified configuration and a much more robust test harness.
The main change compared to the previous version (2.10) is that we moved from Akka HTTP to http4s as our HTTP framework.
The version of Akka we were using no longer receives security patches; subsequent versions of Akka are only available under a commercial license from Lightbend. http4s has no such limitations, as it’s released under the Apache 2.0 license. Moreover, we have been using http4 in all other http-enabled services (e.g. Enrich). Having the same framework across our codebase helps us share code between applications and develop faster.
We’ve strived to maintain full compatibility between 2.x and 3.x versions of the Collector, but there are still a few adjustments you will need to make to your configuration. See the upgrade guide for more details.
Note that per our recent licensing announcement, Snowplow Collector 3.0.0 is released under the Snowplow Limited Use License Agreement.
Add mandatory SLULA license acceptance flag (#405)
Remove unused warmup config section
Use shortname for collector name (#403)
Add statsd metrics reporting (#404)
Add support for Do Not Track cookie (#400)
Add crossdomain.xml support (#399)
Add http root response (#397)
Deploy 2.13 scala assets to GH on CI (#392)
Use correct sqs buffer queue name with Kinesis bad sink (#393)
Sbt project modernization (#361)
Update the Pubsub UserAgent format (#362)
Add separate good/bad sink configurations (#388)
Add Kafka sink healthcheck (#387)
Make maxConnections and idleTimeout configurable (#386)
Add support for handling /robots.txt (#385)
Set installation id (#384)
Set maxBytes in the NsqSink (#383)
Add http4s Kafka support (#382)
Add http4s NSQ support (#348)
Add telemetry support (#381)
Use Blaze as default http4s backend (#380)
Add http4s SQS sink (#378)
Add http4s Kinesis sink (#379)
Add iglu routes spec (#377)
Add http4s PubSub sink (#376)
Add http4s SSL support (#374)
Add http4s redirect support (#373)
Load config (#326)
Add http4s anonymous tracking (#372)
Add http4s CORS support (#371)
Add http4s pixel endpoint (#370)
Add http4s GET and HEAD endpoints (#369)
Configure set-cookie header (#368)
Add test for the stdout sink (#367)
Add http4s POST endpoint (#366)
Add http4s graceful shutdown (#365)
Add http4s module (#364)
Add Snowplow Limited Use License (#346)
Version 2.9.2
Patch release adding optional statsd metrics tags to match the settings available in enrich and loaders.
Add ability to set custom tagset for statsd metrics (#340)