gradlew build
produces the proper wab/war-alike archive with all transitive runtime deps in the archive
if in bnd.bnd file try to change the lastDep
varible to any of the ones with replace
macroses it won't pars the list (string) properly for some reason.
this version is the simpliest as originally the agenda was to parse each dep (with foreach
or apply
) which did not work with the samу error. So now I just artificially cut out the last ]
to include the dep which is throughen away as it end with .jar]
and not wit just .jar
deps: ${project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.files}
# HERE!! these two does not work
#lastDep: {subst;{last;{deps}};(^\\[)|(\\]\$)} does not work
#lastDep: {replace;{last;{deps}};\\];} does not work
lastDep: ${substring;${last;${deps}};0;-1}
-wablib: ${format;%s,;${filter;${deps},${lastDep};.*\.jar$}}