![sociam logo] (https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/files/7665/SOCIAM-Col-logo.png)
The Decentralised Social Machines project is an effort to try to end-users and programmers to easily create social applications that, through transparency, decentralised trust, and partitioning, limits the propagation of sensitive information while providing powerful social computational primitives.
For a short introduction, take a look at this:
bower install
npm install
- install mongo
- run
mongod --replSet $HOSTNAME --dbpath <path to data dir>
- start replication
rs.initiate({_id: "<hostname>", members: [{_id: 0, host: ""}]})
cp config.sample.json config.json
Currently, to prevent code injection attacks, smvm uses modules defined that have to be pre-defined within smvm-registry. This is a limitation that will be removed later as we figure out how to use isolates / some other technique to ensure that stored code can be safely later executed. Let me know if you have ideas!
Use the examples in the registry to define some delicious SMOps and your new social machine.
SMVM app is designed for demo purposes only so it manually creates specific social machines, to be refactored later. Edit the app.listen startup code to make it call your new social machine constructor (declared in smvm-registry) instead.
node smvm-app.js <config file>
You should see each of the ops come up with their own REST endpoints.
open a browser to http://localhost:3000 - now you should be able to
use the window.posti()
and window.geti()
methods from the console.
There will be a nice user interface coming soon :)