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soda3x committed Sep 22, 2022
1 parent 55498da commit d96b0a4
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Showing 2 changed files with 276 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions indicator.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
#include "indicator.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// INDicator <exec-file> <new-wad-file-to-use> <platform> <version>
if (argc != 5)
return -1;

std::string executable = std::string(argv[1]);
std::string chosenWad = std::string(argv[2]);
std::string platform = std::string(argv[3]);
std::string version = std::string(argv[4]);
std::string explainStr = "PC executable ";
bool isPSX = false;
bool isM2K = false;

if (validatePlatformArg(platform) && validateVersionArg(version))
if (0 ==
isPSX = true;
explainStr = "PSX executable ";

if (0 ==
isM2K = true;

replaceBytesInExec(executable, chosenWad, isPSX, isM2K);
std::cout << "INDicator: " << explainStr << "\"" << executable << "\" now using \"" << chosenWad << "\" as the loaded wad file." << std::endl;

return -1;

return 0;

* @brief Convert Platform argument to lowercase and validate that it is either PC or PSX
* @param arg to compare
* @return true if platform argument is either pc or psx,
* @return false if platform argument is anything else
bool validatePlatformArg(std::string arg)
return 0 == || 0 ==;

* @brief Convert Version argument to lowercase and validate that it is either MTVMG or M2K
* @param arg to compare
* @return true if version argument is either mtvmg or m2k,
* @return false if version argument is anything else
bool validateVersionArg(std::string arg)
return 0 == || 0 ==;

* @brief Print Usage String
void printUsageString()
std::cout << USAGE_STR << std::endl;

* @brief Convert string to lowercase
* @param s string to convert
void toLowerCase(std::string s)
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower);

* @brief Cut the tail end of a string if it exceeds the max character length, the final character at index of 'maxSize - 1' will be a null char
* @param s string to process
* @param maxSize maximum length of the string (including extension), anything beyond this size will be cut
* @param extension file extension to keep at the end of the truncated string
* @return Truncated string
std::string truncateString(std::string s, int maxSize, const char *extension)
// First, strip the path in case we have one as we only want the filename
std::string strippedStr = s;
int index = strippedStr.find_last_of("/\\");
strippedStr = s.substr(index + 1);
// Now remove any extension the file might have, we're gonna put it back on after. This just prevents 'ANDY.WAD.wad'
int extIndex = strippedStr.find_last_of(".");
strippedStr = strippedStr.substr(0, extIndex);

// Now perform the truncating if need be
int sizeData = maxSize - strlen(extension) - 1; // -1 to allow for NULL terminator to be within range when calling std::string.c_str()
std::string truncatedStr = strippedStr.substr(0, sizeData) + extension;

if (strippedStr.length() + strlen(extension) > maxSize)
std::cout << "INDicator: " << extension << " file reference in the executable has been shortened to \"" << truncatedStr << "\". Please rename the actual file when moving the file(s) to the target location." << std::endl;
return truncatedStr;

* @brief Pad a std::string with characters if size > string length and return it is a C string
* @param s to pad
* @param pad character (as std::string)
* @param size of string, if input string is shorter than this, padding occurs
* @return padded C string
const char *makePaddedCString(std::string s, std::string pad, int size)
if (s.length() >= size)
return s.c_str();
std::string pads;
int sizeDiff = size - s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < sizeDiff; ++i)
return s.append(pads).c_str();

* @brief Write bytes to file at position offset, size will determine how many bytes are written. If data is < size, data is null-padded.
* @param offset location in file to write bytes to
* @param file to write bytes to
* @param size of data to write
* @param data to write at location in file
void writeBytes(int offset, std::string file, int size, std::string data)
std::fstream stream(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::in);
stream.seekp(offset, std::ios_base::beg);
stream.write(makePaddedCString(data, "\0", size), size);

* @brief Backup executable as <executable-file>.bak
* @param executable to backup
void makeBackup(std::string executable)
std::ifstream src(executable, std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream dst(executable + ".bak", std::ios::binary);
dst << src.rdbuf();
std::cout << "INDicator: Backing up \"" << executable << "\" as \"" << executable + ".bak"
<< "\"" << std::endl;

* @brief Replace bytes with the wad filename at the specific offset based on whether the PC or PSX version
* @param executable to perform the replacement on
* @param wad filename to inject
* @param isPSX True if this is a PSX executable, False if PC
* @param isM2K True if this is a Music 2000 executable, False if MTV Music Generator
* (offsets are different so we need to differentiate between the two)
void replaceBytesInExec(std::string executable, std::string wad, bool isPSX, bool isM2K)
std::string wadFname;
std::string indFname;
std::string nullPad = "\0";
std::fstream execF(executable.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::in);

if (isPSX)
wadFname = truncateString(wad, PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, ".wad");
indFname = truncateString(wad, PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, ".ind");

// Both MTV Music Generator and Music 2000 have the same offsets for the wad/ind files,
// so we don't need to check version for PSX
writeBytes(PSX_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_1, executable, PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PSX_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_2, executable, PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PSX_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_1, executable, PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, indFname);
writeBytes(PSX_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_2, executable, PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, indFname);
// PC
wadFname = truncateString(wad, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, ".wad");
indFname = truncateString(wad, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, ".ind");

if (isM2K)
writeBytes(PC_M2K_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_1, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PC_M2K_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_2, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PC_M2K_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_3, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PC_M2K_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_1, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, indFname);
writeBytes(PC_M2K_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_2, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, indFname);
writeBytes(PC_MTVMG_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_1, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PC_MTVMG_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_2, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PC_MTVMG_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_3, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, wadFname);
writeBytes(PC_MTVMG_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_1, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, indFname);
writeBytes(PC_MTVMG_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_2, executable, PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES, indFname);
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions indicator.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#pragma once
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>

void printUsageString();
void toLowerCase(std::string);
void replaceBytesInExec(std::string, std::string, bool, bool);
void writeBytes(int, std::string, int, std::string);
void makeBackup(std::string);
bool validatePlatformArg(std::string);
bool validateVersionArg(std::string);
const char *makePaddedCString(std::string, std::string, int);
std::string truncateString(std::string, int, const char *);

const int PSX_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_1 = 0x00000918;
const int PSX_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_2 = 0x00000CF8;
const int PSX_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_1 = 0x00000924;
const int PSX_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_2 = 0x00000D04;

const int PC_M2K_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_1 = 0x00133FAC;
const int PC_M2K_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_2 = 0x0013CDDC;
const int PC_M2K_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_3 = 0x0010528D;
const int PC_M2K_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_1 = 0x00133F9C;
const int PC_M2K_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_2 = 0x0013CDCC;

const int PC_MTVMG_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_1 = 0x00133FC4;
const int PC_MTVMG_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_2 = 0x0013CDF4;
const int PC_MTVMG_WAD_BYTE_OFFSET_3 = 0x001052BD;
const int PC_MTVMG_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_1 = 0x00133FB4;
const int PC_MTVMG_IND_BYTE_OFFSET_2 = 0x0013CDE4;

const int PSX_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES = 12;
const int PC_WAD_IND_REF_SIZE_BYTES = 16;

const std::string USAGE_STR = "INDicator: Replace the reference to wad/ind file in a M2K or MTV Music Generator executable\n\tUsage: indicator <exec-file> <new-wad-file-to-use> <platform - pc | psx> <version - m2k | mtvmg>";
const std::string PLAT_PSX_STR = "psx";
const std::string PLAT_PC_STR = "pc";
const std::string VERS_MTVMG_STR = "mtvmg";
const std::string VERS_M2K_STR = "m2k";

#endif /* INDICATOR_H */

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