Docker container to simplify using the great work provided by pycomfoconnect ( and ComfoAirQ-Homie (
Please note: This is my first attempt in creating docker images. I'm happy for any suggestions or pull requests to improve the code.
docker build --tag comfoairq-homie-docker .
docker run --init --network host \
-e PIN="xxxx" \
-e UUID="00000000000000000000000000000000" \
--name comfoairq-homie
Note: host type network allows the script to discover the comfoconnect device, the default bridge might not work.
You may want to specify further environment variables to configure the MQTT broker:
ENV (-e) | ComfoAirQ-Homie setting | default | Description |
$PIN | COMFOCONNECT_PIN | none (required) | Comfoconnect Module PIN |
$UUID | COMFOCONNECT_UUID | none (required) | Comfoconnect Module UUID |
$MQTT_BROKER | MQTT_BROKER | localhost | MQTT broker hostname |
$MQTT_PORT | MQTT_PORT | 1883 | MQTT broker port |
$MQTT_USERNAME | MQTT_USERNAME | null | MQTT broker credentials |
$MQTT_PASSWORD | MQTT_PASSWORD | null | MQTT broker credentials |
$HOMIE_ID | HOMIE_ID | comfoairq | Homie identifier |
$HOMIE_NAME | HOMIE_NAME | ComfoAirQ | Homie descriptive name |