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Independent Scala library for Slovak PayBySquare QR payment standard.

This standard was (probably on purpose) made overly complex, with no apparent benefits, and as a result most of users had to rely on not-so-cheap proprietery solutions. This library aims to solve this problem for Scala based projects (and, with some effort, possibly for Java, Kotlin and other JVM-based languages too)

Supports both Scala 2.12 and 2.13

Getting started

In build.sbt, add the JitPack resolver and the latest library dependency:

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
libraryDependencies += "sk.softwave" %% "paybysquare4s" % "1.0.3"

Usage - library

PayBySquare QR code with the official frame:

val pay = SimplePay(
          amount = 33.00,
          currency = "EUR",
          vs = Some("0037748920"),
          ss = Some("1120913687"),
          ks = Some("0308"),
          reference = None,
          paymentNote = Some("esluzby orsr - 377489/2020"),
          iban = "SK7281800000007000145308",
          bic = Some("SPSRSKBAXXX")
PayBySquare.encodeFrameQR(pay, "/path/to/store/qr-file.png")        

Plain QR code without frame:

PayBySquare.encodePlainQR(pay, "/path/to/store/qr-file.png") 

//or with explicit size param (default == 300) or margin param (default == 4)
PayBySquare.encodePlainQR(pay, "/path/to/store/qr-file.png", size = 250, margin = 4) 

Plain PayBySquare string (to be used in your own QR generator for example):

val pbs = PayBySquare.encode(pay) 

SimplePay allows generating single payment with single bank account. Mandatory params are amount, currency and iban. It is also advised that either vs+ss+ks combination or reference is used and not both at the same time, but it is not enforced. If both are used, it is in general undefined what takes preference (up to a bank that will scan the QR code)

For more complex payments (eg. if choice of mulitple bank accounts is to be offered), Pay trait needs to be extended (note: I might provide some more straight forward case class for this purpose if there will be an interest)

Commandline app

Commandline app (available via releases ) provides an ability to generate PayBySquare QR codes from any application capable of executing external commandline application with parameters. It comes as JAR (multi-platform), as well as convenient EXE wrapper for Windows (requires Java 8+ installed, JRE is not bundled)


java -jar payBySquareApp.jar <payload> <output-file>

or on Windows:

payBySquareApp.exe <payload> <output-file>

payload is a semi-colon delimited data structure of paymant data (only one payment and one bank account are supported):


Mandatory parameters are amount, currency and iban, to omit optional parameter, one simply uses empty string as it's value.

output-file is a path where resulting PNG file should be stored.

Launching application with a single --help parameter will display simple help information.


java -jar payBySquareApp.jar "31.5;EUR;123;;;;platba - test;SK4281800000007000221411;SPSRSKBA" ~/Desktop/qr-payment.png
payBySquareApp.exe "31.5;EUR;123;;;;platba - test;SK4281800000007000221411;SPSRSKBA" C:\Users\myuser\Desktop\qr-payment.png