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Table of Contents

  1. Overview

  2. Setup

  3. Usage

  4. Classes and Defined Types

  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how

  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.

  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This is a puppet syslog_ng module. On basic settings it simply installs the syslog-ng deamon. You can configure the module to setup complex client/server logserver server setups. It is heavily tested under Ubuntu 14.04, but through the nature of syslog-ng at least Debian and other Ubuntu versions should work fine.


What syslog_ng affects

Mainly this module manages all file in /etc/syslog-ng. It creates a basic /etc/syslog/syslog-ng.conf and include configuration fragments in /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d.

WARNING: Typically syslog-ng replaces the current (and default) syslog deamon. This means it will uninstall rsyslogd!

Setup Requirements

syslog_ng requires puppetlabs-stdlib and puppetlabs-concat

Beginning with syslog_ng

    include syslog_ng

This will install the basic syslog-ng deamon. It should behave like a normal installation with default config file.


Beside the basic configuration the module gives a abstraction to the typical syslog-ng concepts of source, destination, filter and log

In addition the module provides some basic resources for typical application scenarios like a log server, log client or "Log the application xyz to file".

Custom logging

You can use the resources to build custom log rules. The basic system log source is defined in syslog_ng::params::local_source. By default it is set to the package default s_src. You can use this source in your custom log rules. The following example uses the standard syslog-ng config and logs all messages of the program puppet-agent to its own log file /var/log/puppet.log

    include syslog_ng
    syslog_ng::destination::file { 'puppet_log_file':
      file => '/var/log/puppet.log'
    syslog_ng::filter {'puppet_agent':
      spec => 'program("puppet-agent")'
    syslog_ng::log { 'puppet_agent':
      source      => 's_src',
      filter      => 'puppet_agent',
      destination => 'puppet_log_file'

You may provide also provide a list for filter or destination

In most cases (like above) you simply want to generate a filter, apply it to a source and log this to a new log file. For this the syslog_ng::log resource provides a shortcut. You may define the example above like:

    include syslog_ng
    syslog_ng::log { 'puppet_agent':
      source      => 's_src',
      filter_spec => 'program("puppet-agent")',
      file        => '/var/log/puppet.log'

Log server

If you want your syslog-ng installation to act like a log server you can use define them completly free by using syslog_ng::source resource. You may find a detailed description below. In most cases you want to use the predefined server resources.

    include syslog_ng
    syslog_ng::udpserver {'udp_source_514':
        ip   => '',
        port => '514'
    syslog_ng::source::network {'tcp_source_5514':
        ip    => '',
        port  => '5514',
        proto => 'tcp'

Log client

If you want your syslog-ng deamon to log to a remote location you have to define a remote destination resource and use it in your `syslog_ng::log`` resource. The following example logs all puppet-agent logs to the remote log server defined above.

    include syslog_ng
    syslog_ng::destination::network {'logserver': 
        log_server => '',
        log_port => '514'
    syslog_ng::log { 'puppet_agent':
      source      => 's_src',
      filter_spec => 'program("puppet-agent")',
      destination => 'logserver'

Classes and Defined Types

Many resource type use following parameters. The will not be mentioned in the detailed description:

    $owner     = undef,
    $group     = undef,
    $dir_owner = undef,
    $dir_group = undef,
    $perm      = undef,

If they are not set the, the file/directory permission are managed by syslog-ng and will be set to the defaults defined in the syslog-ng module class.

Class: syslog_ng

This is the main class for the syslog-ng installation. See syslog_ng::params for a the detailed defaults.

    class syslog_ng (
      $system_log_dir            = $syslog_ng::params::system_log_dir,             # This is the default log directory
      $config_dir                = $syslog_ng::params::config_dir,                 # This is the default config directory
      $local_source              = $syslog_ng::params::local_source,               # This source is used for the local logging source.
      $reminder_file             = $syslog_ng::params::reminder_file,              # Reminder file name (see syslog_ng::logdir)
      $create_dirs               = $syslog_ng::params::create_dirs,                # If this is set to 'true' syslog-ng will create all required directories for a log file.
      $default_owner             = $syslog_ng::params::default_owner,              # global default for syslog-ng
      $default_group             = $syslog_ng::params::default_group,              # global default for syslog-ng
      $default_perm              = $syslog_ng::params::default_perm,               # global default for syslog-ng
      $use_fqdn                  = $syslog_ng::params::use_fqdn,                   # syslog-ng config parameter
      $use_dns                   = $syslog_ng::params::use_dns,                    # syslog-ng config parameter
      $chain_hostnames           = $syslog_ng::params::chain_hostnames,            # syslog-ng config parameter
      $stats_freq                = $syslog_ng::params::stats_freq,                 # syslog-ng config parameter
      $mark_freq                 = $syslog_ng::params::mark_freq,                  # syslog-ng config parameter
      $threaded                  = $syslog_ng::params::threaded,                   # syslog-ng config parameter
      $flush_lines               = $syslog_ng::params::flush_lines,                # syslog-ng config parameter
      $log_fifo_size             = $syslog_ng::params::log_fifo_size,              # syslog-ng config parameter
      $log_fifo_size_destination = $syslog_ng::params::log_fifo_size_destination,  # syslog-ng config parameter

Defined Type: syslog_ng::source

This is a general source resource type. In most cases you want to use syslog_ng::source::network or the predefined and already existing source s_src

define syslog_ng::source (
  $spec     = undef,         # specification of the source
  $fallback = undef,         # use the fallback tag

Defined Type: syslog_ng::source::network

This type defines a network source. It is typically used on a log server.

    define syslog_ng::source::network(
      $ip       = undef,               # The IP Adress of the remote source
      $port     = undef,               # The port of the remote source
      $proto    = "udp",               # The protocol to use. Only 'udp','tcp' or 'all' is supported
      $fallback = undef,               # The fallback file

Defined Type: syslog_ng::destination

This type defines a destination within syslog_ng. Typically you want to use syslog_ng::destination::file or syslog_ng::destination::network.

    define syslog_ng::destination (
      $spec   = undef,               # specification of the destination

Defined Type: syslog_ng::destination::file

This type defines a log file as a destination.

    define syslog_ng::destination::file (
      $file      = undef,                  # the file name of the destination
      $owner     = undef,
      $group     = undef,
      $dir_owner = undef,
      $dir_group = undef,
      $perm      = undef,

Defined Type: syslog_ng::destination::network

This type defines a remote host as a destination. Typically this is used by a log client to log to a remote server.

    class syslog_ng::destination::network (
      $log_server = undef,               # The IP Adress of the remote source
      $log_port = undef,               # The port of the remote source
      $proto    = "udp",               # The protocol to use. Only 'udp' and 'tcp' is supported

Defined Type: syslog_ng::filter

This type defines a syslog-ng filter. You may use any filter syntax syslog-ng provides.

    define syslog_ng::filter (
      $spec = undef,           # specification of the filter

Defined Type: syslog_ng::rewrite

This type defines a syslog-ng rewrite. You may use any filter syntax syslog-ng provides.

    define syslog_ng::rewrite (
      $spec = undef,           # specification of the rewrite

Defined Type: syslog_ng::parser

This type defines a syslog-ng parser. You may use any filter syntax syslog-ng provides.

    define syslog_ng::parser (
      $spec = undef,           # specification of the parser


    syslog_ng::filter {'host_filter':    spec => 'host("webserver")' }
    syslog_ng::filter {'program_filter': spec => 'program("puppet-agent")' }
    syslog_ng::filter {'nodebug_apache': spec => 'program("apache2") and level(info..emerg)' }

Defined Type: syslog_ng::log

This type defines the general log behaviour. It used defined sources, filter and destination and combine them to a logging rule.

    define syslog_ng::log (
      $source          = undef,   # The source to log from
      $filter          = undef,   # The filter to apply (can be a list)
      $filter_spec     = undef,   # The new filter to apply
      $destination     = undef,   # The destination to log to
      $file            = undef,   # The logfile to log to
      $fallback        = undef,   # evaluate the syslog-ng fallback flag
      $owner           = undef,   # This applies to $file
      $group           = undef,   # This applies to $file
      $dir_owner       = undef,   # This applies to $file
      $dir_group       = undef,   # This applies to $file
      $perm            = undef,   # This applies to $file

Examples that logs everything that is more or equal than an 'error' to the remote log server and to a file:

    syslog_ng::log {'remote_error':
        source => 's_src',
        filter_spec => 'level(error..emerg)',
        destination => 'logserver',
        file        => '/var/log/private_errors'       

Defined Type: syslog_ng::default

This type is typically used to create the default syslog-ng configuration. You may use it on your own for completely logging a remote server to a log server without completly define all filters, files and log entries. Note that a normal setup will fill the $directory with a log of different files.

    define syslog_ng::default (
      $source    = undef,                           # the source to log from
      $directory = $::syslog_ng::system_log_dir,    # The directory to log from
      $host      = undef,                           # The host which should be filtered
      $owner     = undef,
      $group     = undef,
      $dir_owner = undef,
      $dir_group = undef,
      $perm      = undef,


    syslog_ng::source::network {'log_server':
      ip   => ''
      port => '514'
    syslog_ng::logdir {'/var/log/hosts/webserver'}
    syslog_ng::defaut { 'from_webserver':
      source    => 'log_server',
      host      => '',
      directory => '/var/log/hosts/webserver',

Defined Type: syslog_ng::logdir

This type may define some log dirs which will be generated. syslog_ng::reminder_file is set, it will place this file in this directory. It also ensures that the directory is generated and have the correct permissions.


  • syslog-ng administation guide Link
  • syslog-ng reference options Link
  • Since your log files may run out of control have a look at rodjek/logrotate


This module heavily tested under Ubuntu 14.04, but through the nature of syslog-ng at least Debian and other Ubuntu versions should work fine.

The module does not cover all features by syslog-ng. Some examples:

  • message flags that are not the fallback flags
  • message templates
  • message reformating

Futher releases may add some features depending on the developers motivation/requirements or community feedback.


If you have any bugfixes, enhancements that should be included in this module feel free to send me a pull request.


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