ATTICE ATTACK v5 🗣After the release of version 4, many of you had problems installing or running the program, and I unfortunately could not answer due to lack of time, so I wrote this version and will upload it for you.
hi i write new version LLL Attack v5 work on linux
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 23.04
Release: 23.04
Codename: lunar
use this version Ubuntu 23.04
use Python 3.11.4
install pips
install sagemath
install bitcoin in sage too sage -pip install bitcoin --break-system-packages
lsb_release -a
Python 3.11.4
pip3 install requests~=2.32.3
pip3 install bitcoin~=1.1.42
pip3 install colorama~=0.4.6
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install sagemath
===================another way to install sagemath ===========================================
tar -xf sage-9.3-Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64.tar.bz2
cd SageMath/
sage -pip install bitcoin --break-system-packages
========================how to run ? ==========================================================
sage -python3
i know this wallet have weackness 15N1KY5ohztgCXtEe13BbGRk85x2FPgW8E so use it for test
Number of transactions: 0 when wallet have not output tx app go to another wallet
good luck