Hey 👋 there, Welcome 🙂
Ayush here, a software developer building full stack solana dApps using Anchor, Rust, React, Next.js, Node, Tailwind and Express.
Here are some of the web3 projects I build in my web3 journey and things I learned along the way : -
On-Chain Video Rental App
- Website: Solflix
- Pitch Deck: Slides
- Devnet Address: BFpFTmDwDNygSW9iL1UErkpDGTDiJFcjZh73DJ1vRu47
- Program Repository: Program
- Frontend Repository: Frontend
SolFlix is a video rental dApp, where creator have autonomy to share videos anonymously, decide on validity of the video and price they would like to charge per video. (paid is SOL)
Consumer have autonomy to have access to video in anonymous fashion and rent a video by paying direct to creator.
This idea can be extended to share files and other media formats, without intervention of any intermediary.
Vault Program
A Solana program enabling users to create, deposit into, withdraw from, and close a user-specific account.
- User can open a vault, which will be system account unique to user
- User can deposit amount into vault
- User can withdraw amount from vault
Tech Stack : Anchor, Rust
Escrow Program
A Solana program for holding funds until a condition is met for achieving a trustless conditional transfer.
- Maker initializes escrow PDA,
- Maker creates vault PDA, whose authority lies with escrow
- Escrow contains information of token mint addresses and amount that needs to be exchanged
- Maker calls refund instruction for closing escrow and get a refund
- Taker creates associated_token_account (ATA) for maker
- Taker transfers tokens to maker ATA
- Escrow transfers tokens from vault to taker ATA
- Escrow PDA is closed
Tech Stack : Anchor, Rust
NFT Staking Program
A Solana program for staking an NFT from a specific collection, earning points, and minting rewards.
- Creates user account PDA
- User account contains
- points: reward points
- amounts_staked: number of nft staked
- Creates Config PDA
- Config PDA includes
- points_per_stake: reward points per stake
- freeze_period: period till which nft needs to be staked
- max_stake: max number of nft that can be staked
- rewards_bump: bump of rewards_mint
- Initialize Rewards Mint
- Only Admin can create config and reward_mint
- Creates Stake PDA
- Stake PDA includes
- owner: owner of nft
- mint: mint address of nft
- stake_at: Unix time stamp when nft was staked
- Delegate Authority of Mint ATA to Stake Account
- Freezes Nft
- Increment user account staked nft by one
- Checks elapsed time
- Increases the user reward points
- Unfreezes NFT
- Revokes delegation to Stake Account
- Decreases ft staked number by one
- Mint reward tokens to User Rewards ATA
- Makes user reward points to zero
Tech Stack : Anchor, Rust
Marketplace Program
A Solana program where :
- admin can initialize marketplace
- maker can list their NFT,
- maker can delist their listed NFT,
- taker can purchase listed NFT
pub struct Marketplace {
pub admin: Pubkey,
pub fee: u64,
pub treasury_bump: u8,
pub rewards_bump: u8,
pub bump: u8,
pub name: String,
pub struct Listing {
pub maker: Pubkey,
pub mint: Pubkey,
pub price: u64,
pub bump: u8,
- Init: initilaizes the marketplace with pda with a specific name and related accounts by admin
- List: initilaizes the listing pda, transfer NFT from user's NFT ATA to Vault owned by Listing pda
- Purchase:
- send price (sol) from taker to maker deducting marketplace fee,
- transfer fee from taker to treasury of marketplace
- send nft from vault of marketplace to taker ATA
- close marketplace vault
- Delist:
- send nft from marketplace vault to maker ata
- close marketplace vault
Tech Stack : Anchor, Rust
AMM Program
A Solana program where: - liquidity pool is created - provider can deposit tokens - user can swap tokens via the pool - provider can withdraw tokens from pool
pub struct Config {
pub seed: u64, // used for creating different pools config
pub authority: Option<Pubkey>, // if we want authority to lock config account
pub mint_x : Pubkey, // TokenX
pub mint_y: Pubkey, // TokenY
pub fee: u16, // Swap fee in basis points
pub locked: bool, // authority can lock a pool
pub config_bump: u8, // seeds for config account
pub lp_bump: u8 // bump seeds for LP token
Initialize: Initialize liquidity mint, vaults for liquidity tokens, and lp pool config
- deposit liquidity tokens from user-ata to liquidity tokens-ata
- mint lp tokens to user-lp-ata
- deposit x token from user-ata-x to lp-vault-ata-x
- withdraw y from lp-vault-ata-y to user-ata-y
- withdraw tokens from lp pool vault to provider-ata
- burn lp tokens owned by provider