RUN PUSH BUTTON TO LED PROGRAM (push button goes to input16 and LED goes output25)
- Copy in16out25.cpp to your Desktop and then navigate there
install gpiod (copy 2 lines below to terminal)
sudo apt-get install libgpiod2 libgpiod-dev
sudo apt install gpiod
- g++ in16out25.cpp -o in_out -lgpiod
run (CNTRL+C to exit)
- ./in_out
RUN SERIAL CHARACTER TRANSMIT PROGRAM. Use the TXD (Pi GPIO pin 14) and GND. These go to either a micro-controller RXD and GND (like Seeed Xiao) or a FTDI serial to USB cable (
- Copy c_send.cpp to your Desktop and then navigate there
- g++ c_send.cpp -o cs
run (CNTRL+X to exit)
- ./cs
Manually test with lines below. Copy and paste into terminal. check gpio line configuration (copy line below to terminal) gpioinfo
For Raspberry Pi 5 use gpiochip4 (For Raspberry Pi 4 use gpiochip0)
set output 25 high (copy line below to terminal)
gpioset gpiochip4 25=1
set output 25 low (copy line below to terminal)
gpioset gpiochip4 25=0
monitor input 16 state (copy line below to terminal)
gpioset gpiochip4 16
Video of IO testing [PART 2 of 2]: Video, IO with GPIOD [PART 1 of 2]:
Access gpio with gpiod:
old way sysfs, deprecated