A platform built to broadcast a specific podcast, Faladev by Rocketseat.
To run any ReactJS application you need to configure the environment on your machine.
Setting the environment is a simple process, so it's recommended to follow the Rocketseat guide which is currently the most complete and detailed to make the settings:
- Clone this repo to your local machine using:
Install project dependencies;
yarn install // or npm install
Run project in development mode;
yarn dev // or npm run dev
Be Happy! 😆
- Create Documentation
- Example Video
- Awesome Readme
- Techs used
- Project Setup
- Features
- Pages Prints
- Improve Styles
- Few adjustments to make the style equal to the layout
- Add Media queries
- Create Theme Switcher
- Create Dark Theme
- Add PWA Feature
- ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Typescript - TypeScript is an open-source language which builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions.
- Next.JS - Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more. No config needed.
To get started...
- 🍴 Fork this repo!
- 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
- 🎋 Create your feature branch using
git checkout -b my-feature
- ✅ Commit your changes using
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
- 📌 Push to the branch using
git push origin my-feature
- 🔃 Create a new pull request
After your Pull Request is merged, can you delete your feature branch.
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- Linkedin at Carlos Miguel
- Instagram Solrachix
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made by Carlos Miguel with 💙 Enjoy it!