Face recognition is a method of identifying or naming individuals/group using the features extracted from face. As an output of face recognition, a bounding box is drawn on the face and the name of the face is displayed. Face recognition is widely used in many applications like biometric, surveillance etc. But one of the main problem in face recognition is its poor performance in recognizing unknown faces. Unknown faces are the faces that are used neither during training nor in testing. In most cases, the trained face recognition model, recognizes an unknown person as one of the trained faces. To overcome this issue, Openset classification approach is followed.
To use the repository either clone or download and run it in local machine or you can set this up in google colab. First lets see how to run in local machine.
To run in local machine please make sure you have all the below packages installed in the your virtual environment Required packages to run in local machine:
- Python 3.7.7, Matplotlib, Cython>=0.17, Tensorflow, Opencv, MTCNN, EVM, numpy, sklearn
pip install matplotlib==3.3.1
pip install Cython== 0.29.21
pip install tensorflow== 2.3.0
apt-get install python-opencv
pip install MTCNN
pip install EVM
pip install numpy
pip install sklearn
Clone/download the repository and extract the folder. Make sure your current working directory is "Unknown-face-recognition". You can use "cd ./unknown-face-recognition" to get inside the folder. The repository already has some train and test folders inside Mini_casia.zip. The structure of the train and test folder is shown below,
|____ tarantino
|____ mille
|____ hank
|____ neve
|____ tarantino
|____ mille
|____ hank
|____ neve
A sample video is also given, which can be used at the end, for inference. Basically there are 3 types that needs to executed
Unzip the dataset folder
unzip ./Mini_Casia
Run the Extract embeddings file to extract features from all the faces
python extract_embeds.py --input_path ./Mini_casia
After running the above commands, a new folder named "outputs" will be created and the below 2 files should be present
- Extracted_faces.npz
- Extracted_embeddings.npz
Run the Train EVM file to train the EVM model for openset classification
python train_evm.py --Embeds_path ./outputs/Extracted_embeddings.npz
The below values will be displayed after successful training
- Accuracy
- Distance multiplier
- Cover threshold
- tail_size
Except accuracy, rest 3 above values are hyper parameters for training the model. These parameters can be changed or fed in manually. Please use the below commands to check the different arguments to pass
python train_evm.py --help
Finally the sample video can be inferenced by the below command
python Inference_on_video.py --video_path ./tarantino.mp4
The inferred frames and the results of each frame will be printed.
To train your own dataset, follow the below steps,
- Prepare the dataset, simillar to the tree structure used
- Inside the main folder ("Mini_casia" in my case), there should be two folders named "train" and "test"
- Inside the train and test folder, there should be folders that are labelled with the person's name
- Make sure you have 10% of the total train images in the test folder (atleast one image in each labels inside test folder)
- Keep a video for final inference inside the root directory ("Unknown_face_recognition)
- Delete the "outputs" folders if present before running the code.
Then follow step 1, 2 and 3 to get the final inferenced video. The Final inference video will be inside the outputs folder.
Running this model in colab is simple and easy. Clone or download the entire repository. Note there is a '.ipynb' file inside the folder. Open this file in colab. All the necessary codes to run the model are already in the file. Just make the below files are present in the working directory,
- Mini_casia.zip
- Facenet_keras.h5
- tarantino.mp4 (video file)
The above three files can be transferred or kept in google drive linked to colab notebook. Code cells are available in the '.ipynb' to transfer these files from drive to the current working directory. Then you can run all the cells in the '.ipynb' file. The output video will be in the "outputs" folder.
Note: Make sure to run the notebook in 'GPU', so that it can run faster. The 'ipynb' file is already with all the cells executed and you can check the results of running the folder.