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Multi-lingual Support

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Extending Phalcon Framework v5 Translations Module


$ composer require someson/phalcon-i18n


e.g. login.json File:

    "form": {
        "label": {
            "identity": "Benutzername",
            "password": "Passwort",
            "rememberMe": "Ich möchte angemeldet bleiben"
        "placeholder": {
            "identity": "Bitte geben Sie ihren Benutzernamen ein",
            "password": "Bitte geben Sie ihr Passwort ein"
        "button": "Anmelden"
    "title": {
        "h1": "Main Title",
        "h2": "some subtitle"

translating path like login:form.label.identity returns Benutzername

which start with login: means file name and the rest of it is a pure json path.


1. Simple usage

// component using a singleton pattern, so we can instantiate it before the framework itself
// or wrap it into some global function
$t = \Phalcon\I18n\Translator::instance();

// using the "de" directory, "en" by default

// equal to "global:a", hence "global" is a default scope
echo $t->_('a');

// placeholder "key" replaced through "value"
echo $t->_('b', ['key' => 'value']);

// nested key
echo $t->_('c.d.e', ['key' => 'value']);

// nested key from the "api" scope (filename === scope, if files used)
echo $t->_('api:c.d.e', ['key' => 'value']);

2. Advanced usage

in any bootstrap file (i.e. index.php) define:

use \Phalcon\I18n\Translator;

if (! function_exists('__')) {
    function __(string $key, array $params = [], bool $pluralize = true): string {
        return $key ? Translator::instance()->_($key, $params, $pluralize) : '[TRANSLATION ERROR]';

inside your code:

$translation = __('a.b.c');

or in any view:

<h1><?= __('a.b.c') ?></h1>
<h1>{{ __('a.b.c') }}</h1>


default config \Phalcon\I18n\Config\Default.php:

return [
    'defaultLang' => 'en',
    'defaultScope' => 'global',

    // loads data from chosen source (e.g. Json) by chosen loader (e.g. Files)
    // can be e.g. "Mysql" by "Database" (feel free to implement)
    'loader' => [
        'className' => \Phalcon\I18n\Loader\Files::class,
        'arguments' => ['path' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'locale'],

    // reads the source and translates it into chosen type of handler (@see key "handler")
    'adapter' => [
        'className' => \Phalcon\I18n\Adapter\Json::class,

    // implements \Phalcon\Translate\AdapterInterface
    // returns an object of all translations of the specific language
    // provides functionality for placeholder replacing
    'handler' => [
        'options' => [
            'flatten' => ['shift' => 1],

    // replaces user-defined (or '%' by default) placeholders
    'interpolator' => [
        'className' => \Phalcon\I18n\Interpolator\AssocArray::class,
        'arguments' => ['{{', '}}'],

    // bool only
    'collectMissingTranslations' => true,

    // - false
    // - sprintf pattern e.g. [# %s #]
    // - \Phalcon\I18n\Interfaces\DecoratorInterface object
    'decorateMissingTranslations' => new \Phalcon\I18n\Decorator\HtmlCode,

you may want to override it with your own config (by default used in config container having i18n scope):

return [
    // ...

    'i18n' => [
        'loader' => [
            'arguments' => ['path' => '/my/own/path/to/locale/'],
        'interpolator' => [
            'arguments' => ['[[', ']]'],
        'collectMissingTranslations' => false,
        'decorateMissingTranslations' => '[# %s #]',

    // ...

Running Tests

Codeception used

$ docker-compose exec i18n ./vendor/bin/codecept build

To run tests, run the following command:

$ docker-compose exec i18n ./vendor/bin/codecept run [-vv]

For code coverage info run

$ docker-compose exec i18n ./vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-html

and open tests/_output/coverage/index.html in your browser

Static analyzer

$ docker-compose exec i18n ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src --level max