This is the Sero compatible JavaScript API which base on ethereum/web3.js version with v0.20.6 latest maintenance release .It is used by gero client as embed js that can interract with the Sero blockchain. It alse can be as a reference for dApps to interract with the Sero blockchain.
The minimum unit of Sero is ta, and one sero is equivalent to 10 to the 9th power ta.
var unitMap = {
'noether': '0',
'ta': '1',
'kta': '1000',
'Kta': '1000',
'babbage': '1000',
'femtoether': '1000',
'mta': '1000000',
'Mta': '1000000',
'lovelace': '1000000',
'picoether': '1000000',
'gta': '1000000000',
'Gta': '1000000000',
'shannon': '1000000000',
'nanosero': '1000000000',
'nano': '1000000000',
'szabo': '1000000000000',
'microsero': '1000000000000',
'micro': '1000000000000',
'finney': '1000000000000000',
'millisero': '1000000000000000',
'milli': '1000000000000000',
'sero': '1000000000000000000',
'SERO': '1000000000000000000',
'ksero': '1000000000000000000000',
'gsero': '1000000000000000000000',
'msero': '1000000000000000000000000',
'gsero': '1000000000000000000000000000',
* Takes a number of Ta and converts it to any other sero unit.
* @method fromTa
* @param {Number|String} number can be a number, number string or a HEX of a decimal
* @param {String} unit the unit to convert to, default ether
* @return {String|Object} When given a BigNumber object it returns one as well, otherwise a number
var fromTa = function (number, unit) {
var returnValue = toBigNumber(number).dividedBy(getValueOfUnit(unit));
return isBigNumber(number) ? returnValue : returnValue.toString(10);
* Takes a number of a unit and converts it to ta.
* @method toTa
* @param {Number|String|BigNumber} number can be a number, number string or a HEX of a decimal
* @param {String} unit the unit to convert from, default ether
* @return {String|Object} When given a BigNumber object it returns one as well, otherwise a number
var toTa = function (number, unit) {
var returnValue = toBigNumber(number).times(getValueOfUnit(unit));
return isBigNumber(number) ? returnValue : returnValue.toString(10);
All the address is showed as base58 string
* Convert a byte array to a base58 string
* @method bytesToBase58
* @param {Array} bytes
* @return {String} the base58 string
var bytesToBase58 = function (bytes) {
return base58.encode(bytes);
* Convert a base58 string to a byte array
* @method base58ToBytes
* @param {String} the base58 string
* @return {Array} bytes
var base58ToBytes = function (bs58) {
return base58.decode(bs58);
* Checks if the given string is strictly an address
* @method isStrictAddress
* @param {String} address the given base58 adress
* @return {Boolean}
var isStrictAddress = function (address) {
if (/^[123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]{84,103}$/i.test(address)) {
bytes = base58ToBytes(address)
if (bytes.length !== 128) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
create or call smart contract,the address type params must convert to once address
SolidityCoder.prototype.opParams = function (types, params,rand,sero,dy) {
var solidityTypes = this.getSolidityTypes(types);
var addressParams = (solidityType, index) {
if (solidityType instanceof SolidityTypeAddress){
return solidityType.address(params[index], types[index],false)
if (addressParams){
if (utils.isArray(addressParams)){
addressParams = [addressParams];
}else {
addressParams = [];
var convertResult = sero.convertAddressParams(rand,addressParams,dy);
rand = convertResult.rand;
if (addressParams.length >0 ){
var addrMap = convertResult.addr;
var convertParams = (solidityType, index) {
return solidityType.convertAddress(params[index], types[index],addrMap)
params = convertParams;
var result ={};
result.params = params;
result.rand = rand;
return result;
the create smart contract data:
var rand ="0x";
var argsResult = opArgs(this.abi,args,rand,this.sero,false);
args = argsResult.params;
rand = argsResult.rand;
var bytes = encodeConstructorParams(this.abi, args); += bytes;
var prefix = encodeConstructorPrefix(this.abi,args,rand); = prefix;
the call smart contract data:
var rand = utils.bytesToHex(utils.base58ToBytes(this._address).slice(0,16));
var convertResult = coder.opParams(this._inputTypes,args,rand,this._sero,dy);
args = convertResult.params; = coder.addressPrefix(this._inputTypes,args,rand) + this.signature()+ coder.encodeParams(this._inputTypes, args);
The method of SendTransaction Json params add cy、dy、catg,tkt key. The dy only be used when call contract that means whether to regenerate a one-time address. The cy is the currency unit of the transaction, default is sero ,the catg is the Ticket category and the tkt is the Ticket Id.
from: sero.accounts[0],
to: sero.accounts[1],
value: 1000,
gas: 30000,
gasPrice: 5,
data: [],
cy: 'sero',
dy: false,
catg: '',
tkt: ''
The showed transaction info add Zero knowledge proof
* Formats the output of a transaction to its proper values
* @method outputTransactionFormatter
* @param {Object} tx
* @returns {Object}
var outputTransactionFormatter = function (tx){
if(tx.blockNumber !== null)
tx.blockNumber = utils.toDecimal(tx.blockNumber);
if(tx.transactionIndex !== null)
tx.transactionIndex = utils.toDecimal(tx.transactionIndex);
tx.nonce = utils.toDecimal(tx.nonce);
tx.gas = utils.toDecimal(tx.gas);
tx.gasPrice = utils.toBigNumber(tx.gasPrice);
tx.value = utils.toBigNumber(tx.value);
if (tx.stx.Desc_O){
var O_Outs=[];
var out_O ={};
if (utils.toBigNumber(out.Addr)!=0) {
out_O.Addr = out.Addr;
if (out.Asset.Tkn){
out_O.Currency = utils.bytesToString(utils.hexToBytes(utils.fromDecimal(utils.toBigNumber(out.Asset.Tkn.Currency))));
out_O.Value = utils.toBigNumber(out.Asset.Tkn.Value);
if (out.Asset.Tkt){
out_O.Category = utils.bytesToString(utils.hexToBytes(utils.fromDecimal(utils.toBigNumber(out.Asset.Tkt.Category))));
out_O.TktId = out.Asset.Tkt.Value;
out_O.Memo = out.Memo;
tx.stx.Desc_O_Outs = O_Outs;
delete tx.stx.Desc_O;
if (tx.stx.Desc_Z){
tx.stx.Desc_Z_Outs = tx.stx.Desc_Z.Outs;
delete tx.stx.Desc_Z;
return tx;
Add a method in sero.js ,determine if it is your own one-time address
var isMineOAddr = new Method({
name: 'isMineOAddr',
call: 'sero_isMineOAddr',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [formatters.inputAddressFormatter]
Add a method in sero.js ,convert the address to once address with the given rand;
var convertAddressParams = new Method({
name: 'convertAddressParams',
call: 'sero_convertAddressParams',
params: 3,
Add a method in sero.js ,get the full address with the vm short address;
var getFullAddress = new Method({
name: 'getFullAddress',
call: 'sero_getFullAddress',
params: 1,
npm run-script build
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