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Merge pull request #149 from sot/model-globs
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Allow for glob specification of acq prob model + documentation overhaul
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taldcroft authored Jun 2, 2023
2 parents 0812b7d + 31628c0 commit 1b07bfe
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Showing 16 changed files with 472 additions and 395 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions chandra_aca/
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from astropy.table import Table
from import download_file
from Chandra.Time import DateTime
from ska_helpers.paths import aca_drift_model_path
from ska_helpers import chandra_models
from ska_helpers.utils import LazyDict

def load_drift_pars():
pars = json.loads(aca_drift_model_path().read_text())
pars_txt, info = chandra_models.get_data(
Path("chandra_models") / "aca_drift" / "aca_drift_model.json"
pars = json.loads(pars_txt)
pars["info"] = info
return pars

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175 changes: 134 additions & 41 deletions chandra_aca/
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Functions related to probabilities for star acquisition and guide tracking.
Current default acquisition probability model: grid-floor-2020-02
Current default acquisition probability model: ``grid-*`` (latest grid model) This can
be changed by setting the module configuration value ``conf.default_model`` to an
available model or model glob in the ``chandra_models`` repository.
The grid-local-quadratic-2023-05 model definition and fit values based on:
- SS&AWG review 2023-02-01
The grid-floor-2020-02 model definition and fit values based on:
SSAWG review: 2020-01-29
- SSAWG review: 2020-01-29

import functools
import os
import re
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from astropy import config
from import fits
from Chandra.Time import DateTime
from cxotime import CxoTimeLike
from numba import jit
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.optimize import bisect, brentq
from ska_helpers.paths import aca_acq_prob_models_path
from ska_helpers import chandra_models

from chandra_aca.transform import (

# Default acquisition probability model
DEFAULT_MODEL = "grid-floor-2020-02"

# Cache of cubic spline functions. Eval'd only on the first time.

# Value (N100) used for fitting
# Value (N100) used for fitting the `sota` model

# Min and max star acquisition probabilities, regardless of model predictions
MAX_ACQ_PROB = 0.985


class ConfigItem(config.ConfigItem):
rootname = "chandra_aca.star_probs"

class Conf(config.ConfigNamespace):
default_model = ConfigItem(
"Default acquisition probability model. This can be a specific model name "
"or a glob pattern (e.g. ``'grid-*'`` for latest grid model)."

# Create a configuration instance for the user
conf = Conf()

def get_box_delta(halfwidth):
Transform from halfwidth (arcsec) to the box_delta value which gets added
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,37 +250,37 @@ def prob_n_acq(star_probs):

def acq_success_prob(
date: CxoTimeLike = None,
t_ccd: float | np.ndarray[float] = -10.0,
mag: float | np.ndarray[float] = 10.0,
color: float | np.ndarray[float] = 0.6,
spoiler: bool | np.ndarray[bool] = False,
halfwidth: int | np.ndarray[int] = 120,
model: Optional[str] = None,
) -> float | np.ndarray[float]:
Return probability of acquisition success for given date, temperature, star
properties and search box size.
Any of the inputs can be scalars or arrays, with the output being the result of
the broadcasted dimension of the inputs.
The default probability model is defined by ``DEFAULT_MODEL`` in this module.
The default probability model is defined by ``conf.default_model`` in this module.
Allowed values for the ``model`` name are 'sota', 'spline', or a grid model
specified by 'grid-<name>-<date>' (e.g. 'grid-floor-2018-11').
:param date: Date(s) (scalar or np.ndarray, default=NOW)
:param t_ccd: CD temperature(s) (degC, scalar or np.ndarray, default=-10C)
:param t_ccd: CCD temperature(s) (degC, scalar or np.ndarray, default=-10C)
:param mag: Star magnitude(s) (scalar or np.ndarray, default=10.0)
:param color: Star color(s) (scalar or np.ndarray, default=0.6)
:param spoiler: Star spoiled (boolean or np.ndarray, default=False)
:param halfwidth: Search box halfwidth (arcsec, default=120)
:param model: probability model name: 'sota' | 'spline' | 'grid-*'
:param model: probability model name: 'sota' | 'spline' | 'grid-\*'
:returns: Acquisition success probability(s)
if model is None:
model = conf.default_model

date = DateTime(date).secs
is_scalar, dates, t_ccds, mags, colors, spoilers, halfwidths = broadcast_arrays(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,7 +361,8 @@ def get_grid_axis_values(hdr, axis):
"""Get grid model axis values from FITS header.
This is an irregularly-spaced grid if ``hdr`` has ``{axis}_0`` .. ``{axis}_<N-1>``.
Otherwise it is a regularly-spaced grid:
Otherwise it is a regularly-spaced grid::
linspace(hdr[f"{axis}_lo"], hdr[f"{axis}_hi"], n_vals)
:param hdr: FITS header (dict-like)
Expand All @@ -349,19 +380,42 @@ def get_grid_axis_values(hdr, axis):

def get_grid_func_model(model):
from import fits
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

# Read the model file and put into local vars
filepath = aca_acq_prob_models_path() / (model + ".fits.gz")
if not filepath.exists():
raise IOError(f"model file {filepath} does not exist")

hdus =
hdu0 = hdus[0]
probit_p_fail_no_1p5 = hdus[1].data
probit_p_fail_1p5 = hdus[2].data
def get_grid_func_model(
model: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[str] = None,
repo_path: Optional[str | Path] = None,
"""Get grid model from the ``model`` name.
This reads the model data from the FITS file in the ``chandra_models`` repository.
The ``model`` name can be a glob pattern like ``grid-*``, which will match the
grid model with the most recent date. If not provided the ``DEFAULT_MODEL`` is used.
The return value is a dict with necessary data to use the model::
"filename": filepath (Path),
"func_no_1p5": RegularGridInterpolator for stars with color != 1.5 (common)
"func_1p5": RegularGridInterpolator for stars with color = 1.5 (less common)
"mag_lo": lower bound of mag axis
"mag_hi": upper bound of mag axis
"t_ccd_lo": lower bound of t_ccd axis
"t_ccd_hi": upper bound of t_ccd axis
"halfw_lo": lower bound of halfw axis
"halfw_hi": upper bound of halfw axis
:param model: Model name (optional)
:param version: Version / tag / branch of ``chandra_models`` repository (optional)
:param repo_path: Path to ``chandra_models`` repository (optional)
:returns: dict of model data
data, info = chandra_models.get_data(
read_func_kwargs={"model_name": model},
hdu0, probit_p_fail_no_1p5, probit_p_fail_1p5 = data

hdr = hdu0.header
grid_mags = get_grid_axis_values(hdr, "mag")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,7 +445,7 @@ def get_grid_func_model(model):
halfw_hi = hdr["halfw_hi"]

out = {
"filename": filepath,
"filename": info["data_file_path"],
"func_no_1p5": func_no_1p5,
"func_1p5": func_1p5,
"mag_lo": mag_lo,
Expand All @@ -400,10 +454,43 @@ def get_grid_func_model(model):
"t_ccd_hi": t_ccd_hi,
"halfw_lo": halfw_lo,
"halfw_hi": halfw_hi,
"info": info,
return out

def _read_grid_func_model(models_dir: Path, model_name: Optional[str] = None):
"""Read the model file and put into local vars"""
if model_name is None:
model_name = conf.default_model
filepaths = models_dir.glob(model_name + ".fits.gz")
filepaths = list(filepaths)
filepaths = sorted(filepaths, key=_get_date_from_model_filename)
if len(filepaths) == 0:
raise IOError(f"no model files found for {model_name}")

filepath = filepaths[-1]
if not filepath.exists():
raise IOError(f"model file {filepath} does not exist")

with as hdus:
hdu0 = hdus[0]
probit_p_fail_no_1p5 = hdus[1].data
probit_p_fail_1p5 = hdus[2].data

# Pack the output data as a tuple
data = (hdu0, probit_p_fail_no_1p5, probit_p_fail_1p5)
return data, filepath

def _get_date_from_model_filename(filepath: Path):
match ="(\d{4}-\d{2})\.fits\.gz$",
if match:
raise ValueError(f"could not parse date from {filepath}")

def grid_model_acq_prob(
mag=10.0, t_ccd=-12.0, color=0.6, halfwidth=120, probit=False, model=None
Expand All @@ -425,7 +512,11 @@ def grid_model_acq_prob(
# Get the grid model function and model parameters from a FITS file. This function
# call is cached.
gfm = get_grid_func_model(model)
gfm = get_grid_func_model(

func_no_1p5 = gfm["func_no_1p5"]
func_1p5 = gfm["func_1p5"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,13 +572,15 @@ def spline_model_acq_prob(
success for a star with specified mag, t_ccd, color, and search box halfwidth.
The model definition and fit values based on:
See also:
- Description of the motivation and initial model development.
- Final review and approval.
:param mag: ACA magnitude (float or np.ndarray)
:param t_ccd: CCD temperature (degC, float or ndarray)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,7 +880,7 @@ def guide_count(mags, t_ccd, count_9th=False):
One feature is the slight incline in the guide_count curve from 1.0005 at
mag=6.0 to 1.0 at mag=10.0. This does not show up in standard outputs
of guide_counts to two decimal places (8 * 0.0005 = 0.004), but helps with
of guide_counts to two decimal places (``8 * 0.0005 = 0.004``), but helps with
:param mags: float, array
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