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Run sparkles on a pickle file with a uniform roll search

Tom Aldcroft edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 1 revision


This describes how to run sparkles via a standalone script that will search for a better roll option using a brute-force uniform grid search of all available rolls.

Getting the script

Click on the URL below and then hit the Download ZIP button to get the script named

Running the script


From a command line within the Ska3 environment, you can get help as follows:

$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--obsid OBSID] [--quiet] [--open-html] [--report-dir REPORT_DIR] [--report-level REPORT_LEVEL]
                           [--roll-level ROLL_LEVEL] [--roll-min-improvement ROLL_MIN_IMPROVEMENT] [--roll-d-roll ROLL_D_ROLL]
                           [--roll-max-roll-dev ROLL_MAX_ROLL_DEV] [--roll-max-roll-options ROLL_MAX_ROLL_OPTIONS]

Sparkles ACA review tool 4.12.2

positional arguments:
  load_name             Load name (e.g. JAN2119A) or full file name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --obsid OBSID         Process only this obsid (can specify multiple times, default=all
  --quiet               Run quietly
  --open-html           Open HTML in webbrowser
  --report-dir REPORT_DIR
                        Report output directory (default=<load name>
  --report-level REPORT_LEVEL
                        Make reports for messages at/above level ('all'|'none'|'info'|'caution'|'warning'|'critical') (default='warning')
  --roll-level ROLL_LEVEL
                        Make alternate roll suggestions for messages at/above level ('all'|'none'|'info'|'caution'|'warning'|'critical')
  --roll-min-improvement ROLL_MIN_IMPROVEMENT
                        Min value of improvement metric to accept option (default=No minimum)
  --roll-d-roll ROLL_D_ROLL
                        Delta roll for sampling available roll range
  --roll-max-roll-dev ROLL_MAX_ROLL_DEV
                        maximum roll deviation (deg, default=max allowed by pitch)
  --roll-max-roll-options ROLL_MAX_ROLL_OPTIONS
                        maximum number of roll options to return (default=No maximum)


For example, for the pickle file OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080.pkl.gz where obsid 26155 has a critical that needs to be resolved, do the following. This should automatically open a report page in the most recently used browser window (if not you can manually open the index.html page that is created, see below).

$ python OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080.pkl.gz --open-html --obsid=26155
Reading pickle file OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080.pkl.gz
Processing obsid 26155
 Exploring roll options method='uniform'
  roll=218.50 roll_min=218.25 roll_max=218.75 add_ids={155202696} drop_ids=set()
   P2_rolled=3.93 n_stars_rolled=5.00 improvement=0.72
  roll=219.00 roll_min=218.75 roll_max=219.25 add_ids={155202696} drop_ids=set()
   P2_rolled=3.82 n_stars_rolled=4.91 improvement=0.63
  roll=243.00 roll_min=242.75 roll_max=243.25 add_ids=set() drop_ids=set()
   P2_rolled=2.74 n_stars_rolled=2.91 improvement=-1.12
  roll=243.50 roll_min=243.25 roll_max=243.75 add_ids=set() drop_ids=set()
   P2_rolled=2.53 n_stars_rolled=2.91 improvement=-1.34
Writing output review file OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080_sparkles/index.html
Open URL in browser: file:///Users/aldcroft/Downloads/OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080_sparkles/index.html

You can also run this from within IPython, e.g.

$ ipython
Python 3.8.3 (default, Jul  2 2020, 11:26:31) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.16.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: %run OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080.pkl.gz --open-html --obsid=26155                                          
Reading pickle file OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080.pkl.gz
Processing obsid 26155
 Exploring roll options method='uniform'
Writing output review file OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080_sparkles/index.html
Open URL in browser: file:///Users/aldcroft/Downloads/OCT1121_final_2021_278_10_07_41_080_sparkles/index.html
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