🚀 🔭 A mighty, robust screenshot library for Windows, Electron and Node.JS Developers.
$ npm i win-screenshot
Screenshot type offered by this library:
- Coordinate Based or Specific Region (x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Full Screen
- Windows Working Area only (taskbar is excluded)
- Only Taskbar
- All Active Windows at once
What so special about this library:
- It is capable of finding accurate coordinates of an Active Window or Taskbar irrespective of the taskbar location (BOTTOM, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT) on the screen.
- This is a Node.JS library but some part of the backend is developed using C#, which is useful for invoking Windows native methods easily.
- All Active Windows can be screenshotted at once automatically just by calling a single method.
- This library supports various image formats to save your screenshot in. (GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF).
- This library has a limitation for taking screenshots of only primary monitor/screen.
- It requires .NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile as it is build upon C# Code.
Screenshot all active windows:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Screenshot, ImageFormat } = require('win-screenshot');
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
const { homedir } = require('os');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
// Destination Directory
const directoryName = `${homedir()}\\Desktop`;
// Use of PNG format for taking screenshot
imageFormat: ImageFormat.PNG
}).then(response => {
// This is necessary as the response of captureAllWindows() is an array
response.forEach(obj => {
// Now obj contains an element from the array
// You need to convert encoded base64 string into buffer before writing
// This will save each screenshot with its process name.
writeFileSync(`${directoryName}\\${obj.processName}.png`, Buffer.from(obj.imageBuffer, 'base64'));
// This will open the destination directory using cmd as inter-process communication call,
// once all screenshots are done writing
spawnSync("cmd.exe", ["/c", `start ${directoryName}`]);
Screenshot using given coordinates:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Screenshot, ImageFormat } = require('win-screenshot');
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
const { homedir } = require('os');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
// Absolute File Path
let fileName = `${homedir()}\\Desktop\\Coordinates Image.jpg`;
// Pass coordinates like this
coords: {
x1: 50,
y1: 50,
x2: 400,
y2: 400
// Use of JPEG format for taking screenshot
imageFormat: ImageFormat.JPEG
}).then(response => {
// You need to convert encoded base64 string into buffer before writing
// This will save the screenshot with the specified file name.
writeFileSync(fileName, Buffer.from(response.imageBuffer, 'base64'));
// This will show the saved screenshot with a blue selection in an explorer window
// using cmd as inter-process communication call,
// once the file is done writing
spawnSync("cmd.exe", ["/c", `explorer.exe /select, ${fileName}`]);
Screenshot of fullscreen:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Screenshot, ImageFormat } = require('win-screenshot');
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
const { homedir } = require('os');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
// Absolute File Path
let fileName = `${homedir()}\\Desktop\\Fullscreen Image.png`;
// Use of PNG format for taking screenshot
imageFormat: ImageFormat.PNG
}).then(response => {
// You need to convert encoded base64 string into buffer before writing
// This will save the screenshot with the specified file name.
writeFileSync(fileName, Buffer.from(response.imageBuffer, 'base64'));
// This will show the saved screenshot with a blue selection in an explorer window
// using cmd as inter-process communication call,
// once the file is done writing
spawnSync("cmd.exe", ["/c", `explorer.exe /select, ${fileName}`]);
Screenshot of taskbar:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Screenshot, ImageFormat } = require('win-screenshot');
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
const { homedir } = require('os');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
// Absolute File Path
let fileName = `${homedir()}\\Desktop\\Taskbar Image.gif`;
// Use of GIF format for taking screenshot
imageFormat: ImageFormat.GIF
}).then(response => {
// You need to convert encoded base64 string into buffer before writing
// This will save the screenshot with the specified file name.
writeFileSync(fileName, Buffer.from(response.imageBuffer, 'base64'));
// This will show the saved screenshot with a blue selection in an explorer window
// using cmd as inter-process communication call,
// once the file is done writing
spawnSync("cmd.exe", ["/c", `explorer.exe /select, ${fileName}`]);
Screenshot of working area of windows:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Screenshot, ImageFormat } = require('win-screenshot');
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
const { homedir } = require('os');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
// Absolute File Path
let fileName = `${homedir()}\\Desktop\\Working Area Image.tiff`;
// Use of TIFF format for taking screenshot
imageFormat: ImageFormat.TIFF
}).then(response => {
// You need to convert encoded base64 string into buffer before writing
// This will save the screenshot with the specified file name.
writeFileSync(fileName, Buffer.from(response.imageBuffer, 'base64'));
// This will show the saved screenshot with a blue selection in an explorer window
// using cmd as inter-process communication call,
// once the file is done writing
spawnSync("cmd.exe", ["/c", `explorer.exe /select, ${fileName}`]);