- Install Ruby and Bundler (most Mac / Linux boxes probably already have Ruby).
- Install Vagrant
- Install VirtualBox or VMWare
- Clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:sovolve/cookbook-rails-api.git
- You will need the data_bag_key file in order to use this repository. Please talk to Gabe or Alex W to get it. Once you've gotten this file, it needs to be placed in the root directory (alongside this README) and must be named data_bag_key (with no extension).
- Open a terminal to the directory where you cloned this repository.
- Run bundle install:
bundle install
- Prep and start the VMs:
thor panomira:go
- Get a coffee. Initial creation of the VMs involves downloading several large files... it's going to take a while.
The PHP VM will be configured at IP address, and the PHP version of the Panomira API is configured to run under the domain name "php_api.development.panomira.com". In order to use this domain name, you will need to add the following line to your /etc/hosts/ file. php_api.development.panomira.com
The Rails VM will be configured at IP address, and the Rails version of the Panomira API is configured to run under the domain name "api.development.panomira.com". In order to use this domain name, you will need to add the following line to your /etc/hosts file. api.development.panomira.com
To start the VMs at any time: thor panomira go
To start just one vm: thor panomira go <vm_name> (where <vm_name> is one of "rails_api" or "php_api".
To shut down the VMs at any time: thor panomira stop
To update the VMs to the latest settings & codebase: thor panomira update
To update just one of the VM's: thor panomira update <vm_name>.
To update the VMs and force a restart as well: thor panomira update all true
(all can be replaced with a vm name to update / retart only that vm).
Chef will install the PHP version of the Panomira API to /data/web/php_api, following a capistrano-like deploy
process (with a releases folder & the current release symlinked to /current). Chef will automatically deploy the
whatever is the latest commit to the php api repo's "develop" branch. Changes should not be made directly on
the VM, please make changes and commit / merge them to the develop branch on the PHP api repo and then run
thor panomria update
to update the codebase.
Chef will install the Rails version of the Panomira API to /data/web/rails_api, which will be shared with the host machine. This folder will by default be created "beside" this repo, and the rails code will be checked out if the folder doesn't exist or the code isn't already checked out. Once the code has been checked out chef will NOT manage the repo at all, it will simply run whatever code you place there.
Author:: Alex Willemsma ([email protected])