The logger saves files to datestamped files at ~/.config/rover/logs/[date].[name].log
You must include the logger from roboticslogger and multiprocessing
from roboticslogger.logger import Logger
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
Then create an instance of the logger
myLogger = Logger()
Create a parent and child communication pipe
parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe()
Create a process, link it to the logger instance run function and start it
p = Process(, args=(child_conn,))
This is how you send messages to the logger
parent_conn.send(["info", "wtf"])
parent_conn.send(["warn", "maybe"])
parent_conn.send(["crit", "yea"])
parent_conn.send(["err", "wat"])
This is how you close the logger
The logger loop then ends, the logger shuts down and the pipe is closed. You don't need to close the connection each time you send a message.
TODO: Optional simultaneous output to stdout