Signsetta is a visuals-heavy app that teaches you basic ASL with lessons that can dynamically be tailored to the user. When a user is not logged in they will be able to use a search bar on the splash page to look up letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-10. Logged in users can view a profile page that is populated by flashcards of signs that they are studying. Logged in users can also see a card index, categories of flashcards, and play a special sign language game called "fingerspelling practice" to test their knowledge of sign language.
Please take a look!
Node Version: 10.13.0
React Version: 17.1.0
Start out by running npm use to set the project node version to 10.13.0
npm use
Then install in the root directory and in the frontend folder.
npm install
Start up webpack using either npm start or npm webpack in the frontend folder.
npm start
Open up another terminal and run the server in the backend by navigating to the root directory and running npm run server. You should see message that states that you have connected to MongoDB successfully.
npm run server
Congrats! You have successfully ran Signsetta! Go to localhost:3000 to see the site.
Brandon Leong | Bella Sandoval | Malcolm Reyes | Gary Wan
Photos by: Sarah Pflug( and Malcolm Reyes