Basic rust controller application communicating over serial for dm-playground.
Protocol is uni-directional in the way commands are issued. The client always issues command and the server responds with either:
(On startup)<data>\nOK\0
<base64 error>\nERR\0
Strings and binary data must always be base64 encoded.
Only UTF-8 is supported.
For commands, spaces should be used to seperate arguments.
For responses, line breaks should be used as seperator when possible for response data
(<typ> <data>\n)*OK
typ: (STR) Type of the poll event
data: (ANY) Data associated with the poll event
> poll
< stdout 12345 Q29tcGlsaW5nLi4uCkNvbXBpbGVkIQ==
< pidexit 12345 0
< unzip L3RtcC9kbS1wbGF5Z3JvdW5kL2J5b25kLTUxMy4xMjQ1Lw==
< OK
signal <pid> <signal>
pid: (INT) PID of the process to signal
signal: (INT) signal to send
> signal 12345 7
< OK
run <path> <args> <env>
path: (B64_STR) Path of the executable
args: (B64_STR) Arguments to run the executable with. Arguments are seperated with \0
env: (B64_STR) Environment variables to pass to the executable in the following format: VAR1=VAL1;VAR2=VAL2;
. Take care to escape \;
, \=
and \\
pid: (INT) process ID of the created process
> run L3RtcC9kbS1wbGF5Z3JvdW5kL2J5b25kLTUxMy4xMjQ1L2Jpbi9EcmVhbU1ha2Vy L21udC9ob3N0L2NvZGUvMjUuZG1l UEFUSD0vYmluO0hUVFBfUFJPWFk9bG9jYWxob3N0Ojg4ODg7REVWPTE=
< 12345
< OK
pidexit <pid> <exitCode>
pid: (NUM) Process ID of the subprocess that exit
exitCode: (NUM) exit code of the subprocess that exit. 0-255: Exited via exit(), exit code is exitCode 256: Exit code or signal could not be determined 257-inf: Exited by being kill()'d. Signal is (exitCode - 256)
pidexit 12345 127
stdout <pid> <chunk>
pid: (NUM) Process ID of the subprocess that output on stdout
chunk: (B64) Base64 encoded data that was output
stdout 12345 Q29tcGlsbGluZy4uLi5cbkNvbXBpbGVkIQ==
stderr <pid> <chunk>
pid: (NUM) Process ID of the subprocess that output on stderr
chunk: (B64) Base64 encoded data that was output
stdout 12345 V2FybmluZzogYnJ1aCBtb21lbnQ=