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Releases: spacetelescope/webbpsf


09 Dec 20:03
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0


13 Sep 19:07
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0


28 May 14:30
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0

Release 1.2.1

11 Aug 20:26
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Minor documentation update


10 Aug 20:40
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We are pleased to announce the release of the latest version of WebbPSF version 1.2.0, now available on PyPi and GitHub. This release comes with new features and improvements including but not limited to:

  1. The addition of detector effects for JWST simulations. H2RG detector effects are included in two flavors, a simple ad hoc Gaussian convolution to model charge diffusion effects and a set of convolution kernels to model interpixel capacitance (IPC) and post-pixel coupling effects. We have found that these effects greatly improve the agreement between observations and simulations. See JWST Detector Effects for more details.
  2. A new utility function for simulating matching PSFs to science data. See Matching PSF sims to in-flight JWST data.
  3. Implement geometric distortion for Roman using the Roman SIAF.
  4. Various improvements for OTE trending.

What's Changed

  • Fixed trending histogram binning so that bars add up to 1.0 by @Skyhawk172 in #634

  • Add phase retrieval crosscheck plot and wfs obs delta plot by @mperrin in #650

  • 597 - add opdtable as positional param to monthly_trending_plot by @kulpster85 in #600

  • Update to read SI pixelscales directly from pysiaf by @mperrin in #626

  • Update/enhance trending plot to show WSS proposed corrections by @mperrin in #642

  • Add notebooks for plotting JWST SI WFE, and JWST SI MIMF field points by @mperrin in #652

  • Add H2RG detector effects sim framework by @mperrin and @obi-wan76 in #671

  • Tune detector effects model parameters to better match measured ePSFs by @mperrin in #693

  • Non-standard pixel sizes for distortion by @JarronL in #669

  • Add setup_sim_to_match_data function by @mperrin in #706

  • Add trending plot function "show_wfs_around_obs" by @mperrin in #705

  • Additional fixes to by @Skyhawk172 in #688

  • Implement distortion for Roman by @Skyhawk172 in #668

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0

Note, this release requires updating your WebbPSF data files to version 1.2.0, webbpsf-data-1.2.0.tar.gz

Release 1.1.1

14 Dec 16:10
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2022 December 14

Minor fixes and trending plot enhancements from first half of JWST Cycle 1. .

Note, this release requires updating your WebbPSF data files to version 1.1.1. See our installation instructions for more information.

This release's upgraded requirements drop support for Python 3.7, meaning conda installation is temporarily unavailable since the AstroConda channel is not equipped for newer Python versions. Installation with pip works as normal.

For full release notes, see
Full changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1


23 Sep 16:19
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2022 September 23

First release with JWST in flight optical performance! Updates and tools added after completion of commissioning.

Note, this release requires updating your WebbPSF data files to version 1.1.0. See our installation instructions for more information.

This release's upgraded requirements drop support for Python 3.7, meaning conda installation is temporarily unavailable since the AstroConda channel is not equipped for newer Python versions. Installation with pip works as normal.

For full release notes, see
Full changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0


10 Dec 21:08
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2021 December 10

Milestone release shortly before JWST launch, with significant updates to both JWST and Roman optical models.

See release notes on readthedocs for a more informative summary than the below which was auto-generated by GitHub.

What's Changed

Read more

Release 0.9.2

23 Jul 18:03
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2021 July 23

This release improves a subset of WFIRST functionality to add WFI's Prism and Grism modes using cycle 8 models for wavefront error.

This release only improves a subset of WFIRST functionality; additional improvements to both WFIRST (including renaming to Roman) and JWST models will be at the upcoming 1.0.0 major release.

WFIRST Improvements

  • New Grism and Prism filters: [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]
    • GRISM_FILTER = 'G150'
    • PRISM_FILTER = 'P120'
  • Changing filters to G150 or P120 changes the mode of the WFI and the aberrations files (unless there is a user aberrations override) [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]
  • New WFI.mode: Class property that returns the current mode of the WFI instance by passing the current filter to WFI. _get_filter_mode. WFI modes are: [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]
    • Imaging
    • Grism
    • Prisim
  • New WFI.override_aberrations(aberrations_path): Overrides and locks the current aberrations with aberrations at aberrations_path. Lock means changing the filter/mode has no effect on the aberrations. [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]
  • New WFI.reset_override_aberrations(): Releases WFI.override_aberrations lock and start using the default aberrations. [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]
  • New Tests for mode and filter switching. [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]
  • New Field point nearest point approximation (extrapolation). [:pr:416, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]

Software and Package Infrastructure Updates:

  • This release uses Github Actions CI and removes TravisCI. [:pr:455, :user:shanosborne, :pr:471, :user:robelgeda]

Version 0.9.1

24 Jun 00:18
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This minor release resolves several bugs and occasional installation issues and updates behind-the-scenes package infrastructure for consistency with current astropy and numpy releases. There are small improvements to a few aspects of JWST models as detailed below (in particular for wavelength dispersion in NIRCam LW coronagraphy and in tools for modeling time-dependent WFE) but the vast majority of JWST PSF calculations are not changed in any way.

For full release notes see