A simple tweet processor for automatically and intelligently sorting tweets related to SpaceX.
- Requires Python >= 3.9
- Requires poetry available in the environment
Clone the repo and enter it:
git clone insert-repository-url-here && cd spacex_smartweets
Install required modules:
poestry install
Install NLTK modules:
poetry run python -m nltk.downloader punkt averaged_perceptron_tagger wordnet omw-1.4
Create empty text files:
touch log.txt seen_tweets.txt keys.json
Populate "keys.json" file with the following entries:
{ "twitter": { "consumer_key": "twitter_consumer_key_here", "consumer_secret": "twitter_consumer_secret_here", "access_token_key": "twitter_access_token_key_here", "access_token_secret": "twitter_access_token_secret_here" }, "discord": { "webhook": "discord_webhook_url_here" } }
You can run the script manually:
poetry run python tweetsearch.py
Or you can run it on a schedule with a cron task such as (insert the following into your Cron file using
crontab -e
):PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/path/to/home/.poetry/bin */2 * * * * cd /path/to/home/github/spacex_smartweets && poetry run python tweetsearch.py
Remember to have
, and wherepython3
resides in the PATH inside the crontab.NOTE: The above cron task will run every 2 minutes