SparkFun Motor Driver - Dual TB6612FNG (1A) w/out Headers [ROB-14451] | SparkFun Motor Driver - Dual TB6612FNG with Headers [ROB-14450] |
The TB6612FNG motor driver can control up to two DC motors at a constant current of 1.2A (3.2A peak). Two input signals (IN1 and IN2) can be used to control the motor in one of four function modes - CW, CCW, short-brake, and stop. The two motor outputs (A and B) can be separately controlled, the speed of each motor is controlled via a PWM input signal with a frequency up to 100kHz. The STBY pin should be pulled high to take the motor out of standby mode.
- /Hardware - Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
- Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the TB6612FNG dual motor driver.
- SparkFun Fritzing repo - Fritzing diagrams for SparkFun products.
- SparkFun 3D Model repo - 3D models of SparkFun products.
- ROB-14450- V11 With Headers
- ROB-14451- V11 Without headers
- ROB-13845 (RETIRED)- With Headers
- ROB-09457 (RETIRED)- Without headers
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- Your friends at SparkFun.