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Mapping Schema Format

Timo edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 1 revision

This page describes the mapping schema format used to save interlinkings using the SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS plugin.

A mapping schema is defined in XML and saves mappings from QGIS vector layer columns to relation URIs in the to-be-build RDF graph and makes them reusable.

Consider the following example:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <file class="" indid="groupID" indidprefix="line_"
    attnamespace="" epsg="4326" nometadata="true" attachepsg="true">

    <column name="groupID" prop="data" propiri="" range=""/>

    <addcolumn prop="annotation" propiri="" value="Intinerarium Antonini Line"/>


This mapping schema defines a mapping for a RomanRoad dataset, a dataset of annotated LineStrings. The mapping schema defines a target namespace (namespace) for the instance, an attributenamespace (attnamespace) for relations and coordinate reference system (epsg) and possibly a column which may be used as the individual id (indid).

Then, each column is assigned a configuration with the following attributes:

  • name: the name of the column in the QGIS vector layer
  • prop: The property type to convert into (DataProperty (data), ObjectProperty (obj), AnnotationProperty (anno), SubClass (subclass))
  • propiri: The IRI used in the graph to represent the respective column
  • range: The range of the property