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=== Puffar ===
Contributors: dinwebb, spathon
Tags: puffar, widget
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.3.1
Stable tag: 0.2

== Description ==

Puffar is a plugin to make it easy to insert custom text/forms images and more on unique pages.

You can easily manage what puff should be shown on which page and where by just drag n drop.

<a href="">Read more</a>

= Translations =

* English

Don't see your language on the list? Feel free to translate.

== Installation ==

* Download the files
* Upload the files to wp-content/plugins/
* Activate the plugin
* Go to Puffar -> settings in the admin menu and select the post types you want to use puffar on
* Create and edit puffar and areas

== Screenshots ==
<a href="">Screenshots and video</a>

== Changelog ==

== 0.2 ==
* Updated how the select post type works when editing puffar
* Added a widget for Archive, all in a post type or a taxonomy
* Template name added as a class to the puff
* The possibility to add custom classes to the puff

== 0.1.5 ==
* Fixed check/uncheck all pages
* Added link field to link titles
* Fixed a pagination bug
* Fixed select puff template bug
* Fixed error on multisite

== 0.1.4 ==
* Same id on all puffar in the same area
* added puff-nr-X class in the puff area

= 0.1.3 =
* display the full puff in preview
* fix: only one puff were inserted to post if no order were set
* Show ID if no title isset
* Using edit_post_link insted
* prepare for puff creation on pages (add puff)

= 0.1.2 =
* unvalid array on new puff

= 0.1.1 =
* Order erased on puff save

= 0.1 =
* first official version


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