Version 1.2.3 of the SPDX Online Tools
What's Changed
- Improvements in the verify feature - it will now traverse all dependencies and includes some additional fixes
- The updated version of the NTIA conformance checker includes several improvements
- Bump django from 3.2.20 to 3.2.23 by @dependabot in #513
- Changed the length of the shortIdentifier field by @BassCoder2808 in #515
- Update SPDX Java tools to version 1.1.8 by @goneall in #517
- Added STATIC_ROOT and changed by @BassCoder2808 in #518
- README-PRODUCTION issues by @BassCoder2808 in #520
- Add static generated files by @goneall in #524
- Add --noinput to static file generation by @goneall in #523
- Update ntia-conformance-checker and spdx-tools to latest by @goneall in #522
- Updates for deployment by @goneall in #526
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3