Demo application featuring the use of Sunny Framework for displaying video ads and interstitials in your iOS application based on Objective C.
You can use this project to run a demo and as a reference. For your own iOS project you need to copy and import the Sunny.framework file to your project and follow these steps:
Step 1: Select your proj file, go to General tab while selecting your app target and ensure that Sunny.framework has been added to Embedded Binaries as well as Linked Frameworks and Libraries
Step 2: Go to project build settings and set Embedded Content Contains Swift Code
flag to YES
Step 3: Go to Info tab to edit your project’s Info.plist and add the following key value pairs:
App Transport Security Settings: {
Allow Arbitrary Loads: YES }
Step 4: Go to Appdelegate.m file and add #import <Sunny/Sunny-Swift.h>
. Add the following lines of code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method:
SMLManager *smlManager = [SMLManager sharedInstance];
[smlManager initializeWithToken:@"1ebbd869-0d6d-44f1-a974-a6e2db04b4a6" isVideoOnly:false];
the token can be created here (iOS_SDK):
Step 5: You can now use the following lines of code to show advertisement in your application:
SMLManager *smlManager = [SMLManager sharedInstance];
[smlManager showAdvertisement:self];
Step 6(Optional): Adopt SMLManagerDelegate (Swift Protocol) in your view controller and add the following optional methods to learn the state of your advertisement:
- (void)smlDidShowAd {
NSLog(@"Ad displayed successfully");
- (void)smlAdNotReady {
NSLog(@"Ad is not ready yet");
- (void)smlAdClosed {
NSLog(@"Ad closed by user");
- (void)smlAdIsNowReady:(NSString *)campaignId mediaType:(NSString *)mediaType {
NSLog(@"Ad is now ready for %@ with Media Type: %@",campaignId,mediaType);
The adoption of mentioned protocol requires you to set the delegate somewhere. This might be done in ViewDidLoad method of your ViewController. Please refer to the example project for more details.
SMLManager *smlManager = [SMLManager sharedInstance];
[smlManager setDelegate:self];
Note: Please make sure that you use
#import <Sunny/Sunny-Swift.h>
in the files where you are using SMLManager.