A markup language for thoughtlessly writing literate html, inspired by pug-js
'WYSIWYG' whitespace is preserved in the HTML. Newlines and indentations are well-respected.
hello world
this is below
and so is this.
and this is really indented.
But this is within a container
Nested content
with multiple lines
fancy html with attributes
inline html is also cool
oh hello there, <a href="#">world</a>
The main point is that you can just write plain text, and not think about it, and it will create intuitive mirror html, without bunging anything up.
Anytime you want to drop-into any some complex HTML, you're free to.
I built this because I was frustrated with markdown eating up whitespace. I was also interrupted by pug assuming any first word of a line was a tag name, and eating that up.
Primarily, I just wanted text to appear in the browser like in the text editor, unless specified otherwise.
It was built to be used in static-site generators like NUXT, but it's a standalone library that you can use in any project.
npm install rug-lang
import parseRug from 'rug-lang'
const html = parseRug(input)
- Install both packages:
npm install rug-lang nuxt-rug
- Add to your
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
- Create a
file in your project:
// content/hello.rug
Hello world!
This is some content
Nested content
- Use in your Vue components:
<!-- Option 1: Inline content -->
<Rug content="
Hello world!
" />
<!-- Option 2: From a variable -->
<Rug :content="rugContent" />
<!-- Option 3: From a .rug file -->
<Rug :content="content" />
<script setup>
// Option 2: Content in a variable
const rugContent = `
This is a warning message
// Option 3: Import from a .rug file
import content from '../content/hello.rug?raw'
Use colons to add attributes:
.label:for="email" Email Address
.label:for="name" Name:
.label:for="email" Email:
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