This module contains the implementation to get all the VNode structure. it is useful for testing and debuging. For example we want to know what contain this VNode:
let example = html! {
<div id="example">{"example"}</div>
Now we use VNodeStruct to get the complete Vnode button and log the result:
let vnode_example = VNodeStruct::new(example);
console.log(&format!("{:#?}", example));
We will get this in the console:
VNodeStruct {
vtag: Some(
VTagStruct {
reference: None,
attributes: {
"id": "example",
classes: Classes {
set: {},
value: None,
kind: None,
checked: false,
node_ref: NodeRef(
RefCell {
value: NodeRefInner {
node: None,
link: None,
vlist: None,
vtext: None,
vcomp: None,
vref: None,
children: Some(
VNodeStruct {
vtag: None,
vlist: Some(
VList {
children: [
VText { text: example },
elide_placeholder: true,
vtext: None,
vcomp: None,
vref: None,
children: Some(
VNodeStruct {
vtag: None,
vlist: None,
vtext: Some(
VText { text: example },
vcomp: None,
vref: None,
children: None,
cargo test
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